Flashback of our love

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Ayanna POV

After class everyone left when I heard a knock.

"Come in." Amy said Nick holding her Loren was sitting on my desk playing with his cat as angel was laying down. I look at the door and saw zoey I smile and then saw a cat with her

"Ah Z and who your friend?" She smiles and said

"This is Nala." I coo at her as Angel gets jealous and jumps down and gets in front of me eyeing Nala I giggle

"Angel it's okay pretty girl." She still eye Nala as she rubs on terror. "So how is your first day zoeybird?" She nods and says

"It's good but um sissy I was wondering on how your time here was?" I smile at the thought and  said

"Take a seat little Z it's story time." She smiles as she sat down Loren went behind me and nuzzle my neck.

"Well Yaya what you think sister show our baby  Z how we ruled the school." I smirk at this.

"Well it all started when we came here grandma took us and visited us."


"Grandma are you sure." Amy ask scared.

"Baby girl it will be okay." Grandma said as we walk in the house of night school.

"Grandma will you visit us?" I ask she smiles at me

"Of course u-we-tsi-a-ge-ya." I smile and hug her. She holds me just as tight.

"Ah Sylvia." We turn and saw a beautiful woman I get a weird vibe about her like the Goddess herself was warning me about her.

"Neferet how are you." They grab each other forearm and smile. She looks at Amy and I and smile big.

"These must be your granddaughters hello my name is Neferet the priestess of this school." She grabs Amy forearm and then grabs Amy's I looked at Amy and it's like she read my mind she fake smile.

"Yes my name is Amy Warby and this is Ayanna Montgomery." She smiles

"Well how about changing your names." We both are confused till she explains we can change our names so we both looked at each other and smile

"My name is Ayanna Redbird."

"And I'm Amy Redbird." And it was history.

Flashback over

Zoey looks awe. Then she asked

"How did you meet Loren and Nick?" Amy smile at the memories and I giggle

"Well we kinda ran into each other you see Z students and teachers are never suppose to be intimate with each other unless the goddess bless it. Loren and Nick were already teachers and a warrior." She looks shocked.

"How do you know she blessed the mating." Loren answer for me

"The goddess Nyx came to us in a dream she already chose your sister as her eyes and ears like she chose you she said that we were meant to be." I smile at that.

"We were here for a month at this time Loren and I were flirting and joking."


I was in my semi uniform when I blacked out. I came to and saw what I was wearing

"Wow." I gasp I hear laughter I turn and saw Nyx

"Mother what's happening." I say and came and hugged her she started playing with my hair which I notice it was in beautiful braids

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