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Ayanna POV 

   It all started with me I was a junior in high school in Tulsa. Before the step loser came into our lives my mother was the best always there for my siblings and I but one thing was for sure I was close with my baby sister Zoey still am. And Zoey and I were closest to our grandmother. But all good things come to a end I was in school leaning on my locker talking to my best friend Amy she and been friends since diapers.

"Yanna did you finish that English literature." I look at her and sigh 'I knew I was forgetting something.' I shook my head,

"Naw I totally forgot I had to babysit Zoey and Barbara all night while mom went on a date." I said. Amy laughed and said

"Yeah I totally forgot to man we are going to get into trouble." I giggle and said

"Not if we leave now." Making is both high five. As we got our stuff we turn only to stop and saw two trackers we gulp as they saw us.

"No way." Amy whispers I whimper out

"They are looking right at us fuck we are screwed." As two of them they both said

"Ayanna Montgomery night has chosen thee; thy death will be thy birth. Night calls to thee, hearken to her sweet voice. Your destiny awaits you at the House of Night."

"Amy Warby night has chosen thee; thy death will be thy birth. Night calls to thee, hearken to her sweet voice. Your destiny awaits you at the House of Night." All I felt was pain I know she did to after what felt like hours we both calmed down.

"Fuck it feels like a train hit me." I groan out. Amy was groaning in agreement. We both open our eyes and stared at each other. "I think we have to go Amy." I said she nods as we both got out of the school taking my impala to my moms we went in as I yelled out

"Mom you home?" I scream out groaning at the pain.

"In the kitchen Ayanna." I walk slowly with Amy behind me. We both saw mom with a man with her I look confused and said

"Mom Amy and I need your help." She turns and gasp out

"Ayanna, Amy what happened?!" I start to tear up and explain what happened. She looks angry and sad at the same time. She looks at the man and said

"John can I talk to you later." He nods and puts on a smile that looks so fake. I narrow my eyes at him and look at Amy as she looks at me we both thought the same thing 'so fake.' As he left mom looked at us and started to freak out after about 10 minutes she calms down to get on the phone with someone. Amy and I sat down as she gets done

"Okay guys I talked to your mom Amy and we both agree you both will be going to the house of night." I look at her and looked at Amy as she nods getting up and said

"Well I basically live here so I'm going to grab my clothes, Ayanna come help me." I nod as we both got up and went upstairs once we got to my room Amy explodes

"What the hell Yanna your mom was acting weird not like her usual self?!" I was thinking of the same thing

"It does seem weird..." I trailed off and then said, "it has to do with that John fellow."

"Well whatever that man is better not think about using your mom." Amy threaten I giggle after that we packed everything and without another word we both got into my car my mom tried stopping us saying she could take us we both politely decline.

"Maybe we should go to grandma Redbird place first to say goodbye." Amy said I nod smiling softly as my car lurch foreword to the one place Amy and I know that can save us.....

Third POV

And so after seeing Ayanna grandmother both Ayanna and Amy so the goddess Nyx. And it seems like Zoey, Ayanna crescent moon filled in along with Amy. As the years went by Ayanna and Amy found out there gifts like Zoey Ayanna controls the elements but unlike Zoey Ayanna controls animals. Amy gift was reading minds and she can shield herself and others. From day one Ayanna never trusted Neferet neither does Amy. Ayanna imprinted and mated with Loren Blake while Amy imprinted on a boy name Nick. This is a story of love, betrayal, and fighting for those who believe in what's right.

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