A meeting with nyx and zoey meets brother in law

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Ayanna POV

I'm sitting up yawning trying to feel for Loren and realize he had class to prepare for I sigh and got up and got ready for the day. Before I left I felt a shiver I look around and closed the door and said

"Goddes Nyx?" I heard her musical voice

"My high priestess Ayanna there is a danger coming." I look sadly and said

"Does this involve Zoey?" She nods sadly I take a deep breath.

"I will protect her mother she is the future." She looks at me and said

"And so are you my u-we-tsia-ge-ya." I look confused

"These marks on you and soon on Zoey shows you both are my eyes and ears not only that you both are my true daughters." I tear up and hug her crying. As she plays with my hair and hums a tune she start to disappear and said

"Remember you and Zoey are the only ones." I nod. I go to the bathroom and look at myself and clean myself up when I heard a knock.

"Come in." I see Zoey come in I giggle

"Skipping Zoey are you?" She blush and shakes her head

"Neferet said I can see you and to follow you today for a family reunion night." I smile strain and nod as I said

"Well littlebird how about we walk around I have to do rounds." I look around and sigh she looks at me and ask

"What's wrong sissy?" I sigh and said

"Angel probably followed Loren and his cat." She looks at me and said

"Why do we have cats here."

"Well hon everyone is chosen by a cat there our familiar in a way they choose us not the other way around." She nods I ruffle her hair and said

"Now let's go littlebird time to do my job." She smiles grabbing my hand and we walk the halls talking.

"So how did you meet angel." I smile and sigh happily

"Well when i first got here with Amy we both were walking around we were both scared when these two cats one full of terror the other angelic they chose us and after that it became history." She giggles. We still walk around till I knocked on my mate door I hear a faint come in and I went in with Zoey behind me. Loren smiles seeing me.

"Ayanna come to do your rounds." He looks at Zoey and bows

"Any family of my priestess is family of mine." Zoey blushing not knowing what to do I giggle as I see his classroom

"Merry meet young ones." Everyone got up and now I shook my head

"No need to bow young ones." Everyone sat down I smiled and said

"I have a shadow today Everyone meet Zoey Redbird my baby sister, so Everyone I expect you to treat her kindly right Everyone." Everyone nod I look at the priestess in training Aphrodite and her ex Erik. I look at Zoey and she is looking at Erik I cock my head and look at Loren he shrugged.

"Well class since we are graced with my priestess let's get back to work." He was getting students to come up and read a passage of Romeo and Juliet. After a while Everyone went up. Loren looked at me and nod I smile happily us doing these were a everyday thing.

"Now class there is one more passage I'd like to do." Gestures to me and I look at Zoey and point to a chair for her to sit. I get on the stage and looked at him and nod. He started

[To JULIET] (Loren) If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.
JULIET (Ayanna)
Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this;
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.
ROMEO (Loren)
Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?
JULIET (Ayanna)
Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.
ROMEO (Loren)
O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;
They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.
JULIET (Ayanna)
Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake.
ROMEO (Loren)
Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take.
Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged.
We kissed and it felt like the first time every time.
JULIET (Ayanna)
Then have my lips the sin that they have took.
ROMEO (Loren)
Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!
Give me my sin again.
JULIET (Ayanna)
You kiss by the book.
After the second kiss all we heard was clapping and cheers. I blush while Loren looks smug as always.
"And that class is how it's done." It was time for class to be over with.

"Merry meet merry part and merry meet again." I said to the fledglings as they got ready to leave I look at Loren and hug him and whisper,

"My guardian I wish you to see my sister." He nods holding me close to him as Zoey walks to us and said

"Sissy that was awesome I forgot how good you are." I turn and smile.

"Zoeybird this is Loren my mate my warrior my mate and my my guardian in other words my husband." She nods and said

"It's nice to meet you Loren." He smiles and said

"You as well Zoey Ayanna has told me much about you." She blushed at this when he said that.

"Well as much as I love spending time with you I have to do more of my rounds. He smile and kiss my forehead. We walk out and walked to through the halls.

"Z why were you looking at mr. Night and Aphrodite?" She blush and said

"Well when I got here I saw them you know."

"Ah so they were hmmm well don't worry much little bird if either cause you trouble come to me I'll take care of it."

"But Neferet said the same thing and said you were busy." I sigh

"Zoey yes she is your mentor but that doesn't mean I won't be there first I missed a lot being here little bird and now that your here it's my job to protect you and guide you through this time even after." She smiles at me.

"I'm so glad sissy that you never changed." I kiss her forehead where the filled in crescent moon is at and said

"Z I will always be here for you and I will never change." I heard a meow and saw angel and I smiled

"Ah angel where you been at." She jumps in my arms and gets on my shoulder and sat there.

"Next up we are going to see Dragon he does basically gym but with a fun twist." I had a sparkle in my eyes.

A/N I'll be posting my Naruto one early and my TVD X SPN early

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