Seeing baby sister

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Ayanna POV

I ran to the infirmary as fast as I can. Loren behind me keeping up. I get to the door and slam the door open I was panting as I look at the one person that was my baby sister. Zoey. I start to tear up seeing grandma.

"Grandma what happen?" She smiles at me and said,

"U-we-tsi-a-ge-ya look at you so grown up, zoeybird is okay she just had got injured but look." I felt warm hearing the word daughter her and Nyx says to me I walk to my baby sister and gasp her outline of the crescent moon was filled in like mine was when I first got there. I smile softly and said

"Spirit I summon thee." Letting spirit soothe Zoey.

"Oh little bird what happened." I said sadly I feel Loren behind me holding me. I leaned my head against his chest.

"Merry meet Ayanna Loren." I heard a voice I turn and saw Neferet I fake smile

"Merry meet priestess Neferet." Loren only nodded. After we imprinted Loren became my warrior and guardian. Later I found out he was my soulmate. After all said and done Loren found out about Neferet and came straight to me and told me. After that it was history we became mates through and through.

"Ah Neferet I was hoping you would show." Grandma said I kept looking at Zoey for a while my heart breaking. I see Neferet going to her and heal her. After a while she started to groan I squeezed Loren hand holding my breath.

"Littlebird?" Grandma said.

"Grandma." I let go of Loren and rushed to her,

"Z how are you littlebird." I saw her tear up and launch in my arms crying.

"Yaya your here." I held her tightly whispering motherly to her. I heard a cough and I turn and saw Neferet

"Ayanna can you and your warrior give us a moment?" I nod and kissed Zoey forehead and whisper

"I'll be outside littlebird" she nods as Loren and I left the infirmary.

"Well my love where to." I sigh and before I can say anything we heard a meow I look down and saw my Maine coon angel. I open my arms for her to jump in my arms.

"You want to go to your class so you can get ready love?" I asked holding angel. He nods as he puts his arms around me as we walked to his class.

-time skip-

I was giggling as he sighs a fifth time as his cat keeps messing up his work as angel sleeping across my lap.

"Come on buddy you know I have to do this." He says. I was about to say something when I heard,

"Yanna is it true?" I turn and say my best friend. Amy. Behind her is Nick I sigh and nod.

"She has a head injury and I don't know why." She sighs and laughs.

"Says the person that falls over air." I huff and glare.

"Your room to talk." She shrugs. after a while she and I talked as Loren smiles lovingly at me. After a few of our bickering we heard a knocking we turn and see grandma Amy squealed and said

"Grandma!" Grandma chuckles and said

"Amy my other U-we-tsi-a-ge-ya how are you oh who is this?" Amy pulled back and blushed and looked at nick

"Merry meet mrs. Redbird I am nick Amy warrior." They both grabbed each other arms in a handshake.

"Merry meet Nick and please grandma is fine Amy chose my last name that makes her my U-we-tsi-a-ge-ya." Amy and I smiles at this. She looks at us. And said , "now Ayanna Amy I must be gone I will see you three on visit." We both nod and hug grandma as she kisses our cheeks and left. Me and Amy look at each other as Amy said,
"Let's go see Zoey." I nod as we look at our mates.

"You guys want to come." They both nod as we walk students bowing at us I sigh and whisper

"This is getting old." Any nods as we head to the dorms. Loren and Nick begins us as they joke around like fledglings I giggle at this

"It's like a everyday thing." I whisper making Amy giggle as we see the leader of the dar daughters.

"Merry meet Aphrodite." She bows and said

"Merry meet priestess Ayanna."

"Being good I hope Aphrodite." I say warning like she nods but the eyes never lie. I look at her and say

"Where is a Zoey Redbird at?" I ask as her eyes darkened a little with jealousy. She nods and show us where to go we all left to the dorm. We get to a dorm and I hear giggling I smile as I knock on the door as I here a soft 'come in' Amy and I walk in I see a fledgling Stevie Ray I believe get up I shake my head and said

"Any friend of my littlebird doesn't bow to us." I say Amy next to me jumping up and down dives bomb Zoey knocking her down I here chuckles behind us I stick my tongue at them both. Childish I know.

"Amy your here to?" Zoey asked shocked and looks behind me confused. I walk to Zoey and hug her to me joining the hug fest

"I miss you so much littlebird." I say tightening my grip as she starts to chock up a cry.

"What's wrong Z?" Amy said I look concerned to.

"Mom said you and Ayanna ran away." We both are shocked.

"How she was there when we came home with a man name John..." I said.

"She married him sissy he he is so horrible and Barbara and Kevin just are worse." I sigh

"So she married that loser gosh I thought she was smarter then this." Amy said scoffing I nod.

"Tell us everything." I said and she did I get angrier and angrier. 'How dare mom do this and that John man he not a man.' I thought angrily Amy looks red in the face and she scoffs out

"That woman goddess how can she be this way." I nod. I see Zoey yawn out I smile and say

"Well we will let you go Z I'll introduce you to Loren and Nick tomorrow ok." She nods as I kiss her forehead Amy doing the same.

"Night yaya Amy love you both."

"We love you to." I look at her roommate and say

"Take care of her please." She smiles and nods. I nod and we all left the room heading to our rooms I hug Amy and said

"See you tomorrow sister." We both said as we all separated Loren and I go to our rooms I got in the shower and started to wash but squeal when I felt arms around me and a deep chuckle

"Relax love." I moan out as he massage my body. Nothing sexual. As he massage

"Ayanna I worry for your sister." I nod and said

"I know Nyx told us this was going to happen but we have to prepare for something even bigger." I said in between pants. He kissed the mark he bit me in and I felt tingly.

"Well let's relax for now love you been overworking your body." As he gets done washing himself to my eyes hazed out I nod. He grabs my hand and we go to bed as we have our fun and our full with each other.

"I love you Loren." I said as we got our pyjamas on. He smile and kiss me.

"I love you to Ayanna." And with that we fell asleep in each other arms.

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