Chapter 4

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All I can say is, Jenn was right.  A good nights sleep really did help clear my head, but it didn't really make my depression any better.  I wanted to go to Paris, but now that wasn't an option.

I had been up long after the other girls went to bed, trying to think of my options.  Really, there were only two.  Stay in England for a couple of weeks or go back home.  Obviously there was only one option.  I mean, why would I go home when I could spend a couple of weeks in a foreign country?

But I would have to be in that music video, so that really made me start to question things.

I mean when I was younger yes, I had dreamed of being in a music video, but now that I was going into collage it seemed like a childish dream.  Well, that's what I wanted to tell myself...But I was actually starting to get really excited about the idea.

Come on, it was a One Direction music video, do you know how many people watch those things?!  Just think of how many people would see my face!  I might even become a little famous..

Okay, unrealistic moment over.

Anyway, when I woke up the next morning I was pretty sure of what I wanted and needed to do.  I was going to stay in London, probably.  If something happened to make me want to go home then I would be on the next flight to America.

When I woke up jet lag just about killed me.  Even though the sun was shinning outside and the clock said ten o'clock, it was four in the morning back home.  Never the less I forced myself out of bed and into the cold show, which pretty much woke me up.

Then I wrapped a towel around my body, going to the mirror and starting with my make up.  I applied a bit of foundation, blush, thin eyeliner, and some mascara.  Then I blow dried my hair, deciding to put soft curls in it for the day.  Why not, right?

I chose to wear some dark blue skinny jeans and a turquoise tank top that had ruffles on the front.  Then I grabbed my white leather jacket and slipped it on.  It was rather cold in this hotel room, and I bet it was even colder outside.  Adding a silver heart ring to my finer and pulling on my white ankle booties, my outfit was complete.

I had started hearing voices outside my room about thirty minutes ago, but I had ignored them.  But, as I walked out of my room I saw all my roommates sitting in the living room with Jenn, talking amongst themselves.

"Hey, Shyanna!"  Ella exclaimed, running up and giving me a big hug.  I smiled, awkwardly hugging her back.  This girl was a little to enthusiastic for my liking.

"Good to see you awake,"  Bailey said, giving me a small wave.  Every one else was dressed and, by the looks of it, had already eaten.  Oops, did I wake up late?

"Jenn was just telling us about your...situation," McKenna started, looking unsure of what to say.  She started playing with a strand of her red hair.  "Have you made a decision...?"  I bit my lip, playing with my hands nervously.  If Jenn had told them everything, I probably sounded like a bitch.

"Um, yeah, I think I'll stay...." I said quietly, not sure what their response was going to be.  So far I haden't really been the best roommate, so they probably couldn't wait for me to get out of there.

"Yay!"  They all exclaimed, jumping up and tackling into a hug.  We all fell over, landing in a pile on the floor.  Ya know, I think I'll like this girls afterall.

"Ow," I laughed, pushing away from Ella's butt which my face had landed on.  I wasn't really hurt, actually, it was quite fun!

"Oi, ladies,"  Jenn laughed from the couch, "Break it up, we have some things to go over."  Still laughing, we all made our way to sit in front of Jenn on the floor.  Yes, on the floor.  "Okay, you'll meet the boys tonight-"

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