Maybe We Can't Always React Fast Enough

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Kat's POV:

The first time I heard of the other jumpers that escaped with Jamie, I knew I had to get out. This hell hole was destroying every last bit of freedom and right of mind I had. My walls were crumbling around me that I had tried so hard to put up. I needed a way out before I became of of his mindless slaves.

I was sent on a mission to kill the very people I wanted to go to, and I took that as my chance. As soon as I got inside, Sean tackled me to the ground, rendering me useless. The girls and Jamie got there just in time to help me, sending him to who knows where. 

Jamie and I were good friends so I got in there really nicely. His boyfriend Jack seemed really nice, as did the others. The girls were a little weird though.

"Hey. Hey, psst, Kat. Kat. wake up. Psst, wakey wakey," I heard a voice call. I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the light. As soon as I got my vision, I saw eyes staring right at me.

"Holy shit!" I screamed. Hanji laughed, but then put her hand over my mouth to shut me up. She motioned for me to follow her, and that I did. I saw the other girls and Jamie all in the movie room cuddled together on a chair. I giggled, thinking about how Jamie was considered in our little group of girls.

I sat down and Ash put a blanket around me, and I snuggled into their little cuddle corner. We were all wondering what was going to happen before Ash and Nick flicked their wrists, and the room went dim. The screen flickered before we saw a thing which the girls called yaoi started playing. I sat there, and became very involved in the show.

After about an hour watching it, I kinda lost my shit and was screaming at their stupidity and their love. God damn it they got me invested. 

"Oh, hey! We should get popcorn or something," Jamie suggested. Nick and Ash looked at each other dead serious in the eyes, mving and preparing their hands. I watched as the tension in the room grew, waiting for them to make their moves.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" they screamed. Nick fist pumped in victory as Ash groaned and got out of the seat.

We got the popcorn and started munching. it was so good, considering I hadn't eaten anything but cabbage soup for my whole life. I moaned into it, and Nick shivered.

"Oh god, I hate when people do that. God damn, it's just food," she whined. I snicked and kept doing it. She covered her ears and started making gagging noises.

We kept watching, most of the popcorn already eaten by us, even if we got a whole tub of it. I heard a maniacal laughter and looked at the rest of them,

"I thought this was supposed to be realistic," I mentioned. The rest of them shot up and created weapons.

"It is," Ash answered, looking around the room. I followed their lead, keeping an eye out for all the weird things that could happen. I felt a sharp pain in my back, luckily recovering quickly before it could happen again. 

"It's too dark, we can't win like this," I told them. Most of their eyes started glowing, a pink that liquefied their surroundings. I tried the same, and it worked. I could clearly see what was going on around us. I saw a flash of black whiz across me. I blocked the on coming force. it was dazed enough by my move from me to get a quick enough look at it. Is that... a snake?

The snake whizzed by, and when Jamie was about to say something, it plunged in his mouth. He was shredded to pieces, but then regenerated. He quickly passed out, and the light from the screen flickered off. I saw a woman standing at the edge of the door leading out. She was laughing manically, the snakes coming from her arms. He blonde hair was braided in the front, and her hood with snake eyes hid her face. Who the hell was this bitch?!

"How the hell are you alive bitch?!" Ash screamed at the hooded lady. She cackled and it sounded like nails on a chalk board. I shivered at it and we all went to attack her. But, we didn't make it far.

Black holes appeared out of her hands and she launched them at us. Nick dodged one, and kept running, but it followed her and swallowed her whole. Luckily, I saw her magic let her jump before she was encased in the darkness. I was next, wondering how the others were, because the next and only thing I saw was black, and the worried hollers of my friends. 

Colors flashed before my eyes as I jumped, and I jumped to the first thing I thought of. I felt my body solidify as I reached the ground. I shook my head at where I was. The last thing I remembered was Jamie talking about a show called NO. 6. So here I was, looking at a broken wall and a crazed people. Guess it's time to blow their minds. 

Jamie's POV: 

Nick and Kat were already swallowed, leaving Hanji, Ash and I. The woman I knew all too well started giggling. Anger spouted out of me and I started running. After all she has done, all she is, she didn't deserve a chance. She launched another at me, but I dodged it and sliced her in half, but she regenerated quickly. I stood there in shock, trying to comprehend what was going on. 

"Like my powers? You're friend is so considerate. Oh, and will you tell Nick that her parents say hi to her. Thanks," she cooed. I felt my energy boost up, as I cut her down a couple times. 

I saw another orb of darkness come out, and I dodged it. Sadly, I didn't know who the real target was. Ash screamed as I took her whole, but I saw the bright colors flash before she was taken. I let out a breath, thinking of the situation, It clicked into place. 

"Are you trying to separate us?" I called. She only smiled at me. I shivered at her damn ugly face. I ran to Hanji, grabbing her hand and teleporting before we could get hit again. 

The colors flashed weakly, not easy to teleport with minimal powers. She squeezed my hand reassuringly as we solidified. The ground was a warm welcome as I fell to the ground. Hanji grabbed me and held me before I could land on the ground. I smiled at where we were. Well, this should be fun.

Nick's POV: 

Oh no. Fuck me. Fuck me. 

I landed o the ground, falling to my knees. Such and idiot. God what the fuck was I thinking? Granted it was no Slender forest, but I'd much rather have my soul eaten then smashed, clobbered, sliced, lazered, shrunk, shot, ultra punched, and webbed. 

I slowly steadied myself, trying to regain power. That fast of a teleport will drain you. I started to take in the energies I felt around me. I stood up right when I was done, trying not to use too much power. I created goggles and wrapped them around my face just in case I ran into trouble. My god snake bitch I will ill you if it is the last thing I do.

"What the hell was that?" I heard. I spun around fast as I saw gold and red flying fast towards my face. A beam of blue shot at me which I dodged easily, doing a back flip and landing swiftly on my feet. I put my hands up in surrender before he could fire another shot.

"I actually need your help," I said. The attacker stopped, but was accompanied by his friends. I really have to get on their good side. 

Ash's POV:

The darkness swallowed me up, and I transported to another world. A huge pain shot through me at the part where the darkness had touched. I landed on solid ground, looking at the wound. A giant gash was in my arm, and blood was seeping through. It wouldn't heal, and all I felt was agonizing pain. I fell to the ground, my legs giving up. I was passing out from blood loss and pain. My vision got blurry as I saw a man in a suit with a top hat look at me. His silver skin was hypnotizing, and his smile was chill inducing. The last thing I heard before I was consumed by darkness was, "Welcome to the Noah clan," 

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