The Freckled Jesus! Or Not...

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I would really like it you guys started reading redrose452, she is actually the character Ash in my stories, so if you read her work, that would be epical! Tank chu. Also, picture of Eren.

Hanji's POV: hahaha

When the girls and Jamie asked me if I could help bring Eren and Levi together, of course my answer was yes! My titan baby and heichou are perfect! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Every experiment can be tested on him, what if he got preggers?! :3 I just want them to be together forever! (No, Levi, I will not give this back to you.)

Today, the deal will be redeemed. What deal you may ask? Well, when they asked me if I could come and help them, of course I was gonna ask them for some tests! I mean for gods sakes they broke out of the dungeon and went up to Eren without Levi noticing! Also, I wonder how they get their hair so fluffy. Floof floof floof.

"Do you mind if I cut you up?" I asked, so freaking excited, say yes, please!!!

"Why the hell not?! Of course!" Nick cheered, making Jamie look terrified. Hehehe.

"Ok! Come over here!" I called over to her, in which she came skipping over and came to abrupt stop in front of me. She smiled and stuck her arm out for my experiments.

"Does it hurt?" I asked her, cutting her with a knife. It healed instantly and she shook her head.

"The only things that can hurt us are blessed items, like crosses and holy water. That's why Ash got hurt, the bullet and gun were blessed," I jumped up and down in excitement.

"And why is that?" I asked, grabbing her hands and pulling them up close to mine. 

"Because when we went to one world, we absorbed the powers of a demon, he is a good friend of our now," she drawled on, thinking of her friend.

"Let me put some stuff on your arm, see what makes it so awesome, shall we?" I asked. 

I led them into a secret area where we can do experiments and such. I grabbed the material and ordered Nick to sit down on the strapped chair. She layed down and I started to put different substances and seeing how she reacted to them. Nothing. I even put acid on her! 

"Would it be okay if I put some holy water on you?" I asked, bringing out the Bible, and some water. She tensed up but then eventually nodded her head. I pulled it out a dropper thing? What's that called. Oh I don't care!

She took in a sharp breath, and when I put it on her skin, she hissed as the steam started to come from her skin. I took some notes and told her to stand up.

"You're skin can change into different material so that it can adjust to the things it needs to get rid of so that you're body will heal. It also seems that you'r cells can regenerate 10 times faster than a normal person," I explained, my face growing in excitement. What a beautiful specimen.

She looked at her skin and started beaming. "That is the freaking coolest thing ever!" sh shouted, pumping her fists in the air. She grabbed my hands and we started to spin in circles.

What's with the water?" she asked when Jamie pulled us apart. 

"Oh, right. It seems that it has an affect where it temporarily shuts down you're adaptive system, making it so you can get hurt," I scratched into my notes.

"Oooooh," she started to tap her chin in thought. "YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD BE FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!"

Jamie jumped up but I just grabbed her hands and looked at her.

"What is it? What is it?" I asked, jumping up and down like a kid asking for candy.

"Would you come back to our world with us and help us with our secret mission?" she said.

Book 4 in Jumper Series "High Up" a Attack on Titan yaoi boy x boy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now