Between Classes

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My eyes trailed over every single one them. I almost laughed when I saw how wide they're eyes were. They were as big as saucers.

I chuckled and shook my head, turning back to the teacher and returning to my notes. As ususal, the rest of the class period was uneventful and, to say the least, boring.

My chest heaved up then went forcefully down in a sigh. Never in my life have I been this annoyed. They're eyes, I can practically feel them boring down into my back like they were trying to burn holes through me. The thought of them with lasers coming out of their eyes almost made me laugh.

I guess it was a good thing I kept it in thought, because the teacher had just called my name to answer a question that I don't even know about.


My head raised in a bored manner until I saw everyone staring at me.


"Can you tell me the answewr to this question?"

There was a long pause while I was thinking about what to say so I wouldn't make myself look stupid. Eventually I just decided to make myself look like a fool.

"What question?"

There was a long pause as the teacher gave me a disapproving stare and shook his head. His mouth then opened to reopeat the question that had just recently came out of his mouth.

"What amendment abolished slavery?"

"The Thirteenth Amendment," I said, a small smirk on my face.

The teacher nodded in approval then went on with his lesson. I felt all of the eyes slowly move off of my figure and back onto the teacher.

It wasn't long before the bell sounded, ending the class period. As usual, I was out of my seat and leaving the classroom before anyone else could even blink.

I walked down the pathway listening to the sound of my footsteps as I went on. I slowly ran a hand through my hair, pushing it back on top of my head and and watching as it fell back into my face and over my shoulders.

It wasn't long before I made it to my next class and before I had my mind off of the returning Cullens. I really didn't want to talk about then right now. Maybe I'll go home and  tell Alex or something, if he'll listen.

I finally pushed my way inside of the room and walked to my desk, setting my crap down and then letting myself plop down on the seat. I really wasn't in the mood for another lesson, but I raised my hand and set it under my chin, preparing myself for another boring lecture. 

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