Chapter 15

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AN: I'm Sorry you had to wait so long. I hope you like this chapter.


It was the last hour of the day meaning P.E. The good thing is I had Alex in this class with me. The bad thing is the bloodsuckers are in this class, too.

After dressing out, I went to find Alex in the gym. "BELLA!" I heard someone scream.

I turned around looking for who called me. Only to find out it was Emmett. He waved at me to come over.

'Hmm lets make this more fun for me by making the girls jealous, I thought.

'Be careful, Bella. I know what you're trying to do.' Alex thought to me, knowing I was reading everyones mind.

I smirking and walked over to where the bloodsuckers were.

"Hey, Emmett." I said smiling at him. "What's up?"

"Nothing much. So where's that dude you were with?" he asked sounding a little.... jealous? what?

I could feel the glare Rosalie was sending me. 'Wow this is easier than I thought it would be.'

"Oh you mean Alex, he's somewhere. I should go, but it was nice seeing you, Emmett. Bye, Jasper." After saying that I walked over to Alex, who was leaning against a wall.

"You know what you're doing is bad, Bells. One day you're going to go to far and that blond bitch is going to do something about it." Alex said but I could hear the amusement in his voice.

"I know that,Alex. I'm going to make the girls jealous by flirting with Emmett and Jasper. It will be fun for me and you think it's funny too, so ha." I replied smirking. "Now I'm going to go change."

After changing into black skinny jeans and a blood red tight tank top with a pair of black converse, I met Alex by his Harley.

"Lets go home, Bella. Your next lesson is later today."Alex said.

We got on his bike and drove home.

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