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 I gulped. "You''re an immortal?"

He rolled his eyes and nodded, making it clear that we have established that fact already.

"That doesn't explain why you're here though."

His eyes shot towards me, and I stiffened. He lightly laughed before putting an intimidating smirk on his face.

"Do I intimidate you?"

I stepped back a few more paces, placing distance between us incase he does decide to try something, although I doubt I can stop him.

"You're getting off topic," I spoke quickly, darting my eyes elsewere, not having the desire to look into those striking crystalline eyes as the moment.

"Fine," he sighed racing a hand through his hair, making some parts of it become unkempt. "You're not fun at all."

"Just answer the question!"

"Ohh, getting bossy now are we?"

I felt my cheeks warm up slightly and his playful smirk slipped back onto his face.

"I guess playtime is over, although I would have never guess someone like you would have carried the genes."

A confused expression swiped over my face and I tilted my head slightly to the side. "What do you mean?"

Alex turned his head to the side, a serious look beholding his face now. "I sensed it when I was walking by," he spoke, confusing me even more.

"At first I thought it was nothing, so I brushed it off for a while until the feeling became stronger as I got closer. It was very familiar, and not a anything like a hunch. People like us usually don't pass up an opportunity to meet others similiar to us."

"You said the feeling was familiar an that you don't pass up a chance to meet other like you...what are you getting at?"

"You haven't noticed that you're different, I can tell. You've been hanging around with vampires and werewolves way too long, you don't notice anything out of the ordinary because you have adapted to a the supernatural lifestyle."

My eyes narrowed slightly. "What's you're point?"

"I realized what was attracting me to you when I got within a ten yard radius of you're body. It took me a few minutes, though, to actually process the fact you have the blood of an immortal coursing through your veins."

I felt my jaw slacken as he said the last part. There was no way I could be immortal, but then again, what he has said is true. I've been through some 'out-of-the-ordinary' crap that somethimes I find it hard to remember what the difference between the life style I live and ordinary. Hell, I can't even remember the difference between reallity and fiction sometimes.

Although, out of everything that I had processed in my mind, all I could managed was a simple, one-worded response.


He turned his head back towards me. "You heard me well enough, I said you were immortal."

Alex didn't let me have time to think before he started walking off.

"Let's talk about this in a more private place shall we? Try to keep up."

Alex started jogging out deeper into the woods, me following behind trying my hardest to keep up and not faint. Luckily for me though, we stopped a short distance away at a clearing in the woods. A stream lay near by.

I watched as Alex sat down, seeming to admire the stream, although no light glistened off it in this cloudy weather. I walked up behind him and sat down far off to the side, not feeling very comfortable around him.

Alex placed his palm on the ground behind him and leaned his body weight onto his arms, while the rest was remaining on the ground.

"I know you have questions, so speak."

His voice was oddly comanding, but I followed nonetheless, not even bothering to keep up with his attitude.

"I'm immortal, as your were saying," he nodded. "When exactly did this start to happen, and why haven't I known before?"

"You most likely started developing slowly before your eighteenth birthday, seeing as I would have sensed you if your development was rapid. It was likely that when you hit eighteen, your change started to rapidly progress. The change was too small for you to have noticed before hand, that 's probably why you haven't caught it."

I paused before asking my another question. "Am I similiar to the other immortals?"

"I don't catch," he respondedly almost unemotionally.

"Do I have abilities like they do, and if so, am I as strong as them?"

He sighed, bringing one of his hands up and pintched the bridge of his nose. "You ask a lot of stupid questions."

"You demanded that I ask."

"And I am regretting that."

"I nearly glared.

"From what I have felt, you do not have the mass of power others would have, that kind of thing is earned, not given, but you certainly have potetial, kid."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"It's my job."

"What do you mean?"

"I have been watching you for a while, ever since you stepped foot in this town actually. I have been appointed to protect while you reside here."


"Like I said, it's my job." Annoyance seeped into his voice and a small smirk crossed mine. I think I'll make it my job to piss him off whenever he's near...I appointed myself.

"Whatever," responded a few minutes later. "Does my father know about this?"


The Return of Bella Swan (Editing Big Time)Where stories live. Discover now