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"No?" I asked suddenly, then furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean no?"

"I believe someone has talked to him about it before, but he either chose to brush it off or totally ignore it. Either way, he suspects, but doesn't know."

"That explains why he has never told me about," I mumbled turning my head and looking off into the distance, loosing myself in my thoughts.

"It wouldn't have really mattered anyway," Alex said, standing up. "You weren't ready to know, so just let it go, your father will find out soon enough."

Alex turned to stare at me, his intense stare still cause butterflies to rile up in my stomach. "You need to go home," he spoke, signalling for me to get up.

I sighed and looked up at the sky, not really wanting to get up. "You're right, I probably should get home."

Once I was on my feet, he was already at the edge of the clearing. I walked past him and into the forest, trying desperately to memorize the way back, that is, until I realized that Alex was following me.

"Why are you following me?" I asked, turning around.

"One of us should break the news to your old man, and I'm sure you'll wuss out at the last minute and make up some lame-ass excuse to get out of there."

"No," I said sharply, shaking my head. "You said he suspects that immortality runs through the family. Why don't we just wait until he suspects something, it'll be easier that way because he's, you know, expecting it."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say princess."

I started off again, only to have him following me...again.

"Why are you still following me?"

"You need to find your way back home," he said leaning down to my level. "And besides, I don't think you could survive a night alone in the woods is you so happen to get lost."

"I'm not lost."

"We've been going the wrong way for the past ten minutes."

I felt my cheeks flush slightly then sighed. "Fine, if you're so good, then then take me home."

"Is that a challenge?"

"No that's a demand," I said sarcastically."

A few hours had passed since Alex left. I have already cooked diner diner for Charlie and me and it was not late in the night. I can't sleep. Ever since Alex has left, he has been occupying my mind, it's annoying.

I sighed and turned over. The moon shone brightly as I looked at the moon, reminding me slightly of vampires...Edward. I hated him so much for what he has done to me. It seems like forever since he as left, but in reality, just a little over a few hours. Alex has replaced the small, building void Edward has left in my heart, slowly fixing it up and giving something to think about. I sighed.

I can't be falling for him, I thought. I had just met him, and not to mention he's a complete ass. But then again, what if I am, and what if he leaves me like that other blood sucking ass-hole, uhh, what's his name.

I laughed absurdly at myself, having completely forgotten my last boyfriends name. As I settled down, I looked into the moon, remembering just how much Alex seemed to appreciate nature.

Maybe...he won't leave me...

The Return of Bella Swan (Editing Big Time)Where stories live. Discover now