Chapter 10

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Barry and Kara returned in a flash to the DEO and stood between the soldiers and the new arrivals just as Vegeta arrived. "Nice of you to drop by Kakarot." Vegeta said to one of the new arrivals. "And you to Whis." The two newcomers nod before Whis left his companion. "Sorry I'm late Vegeta had a long spar with Beerus." He apologizes as Flash came up to him. "I never had the time to say thanks for teaching me that 'Kamehameha' which proved useful in our fight against 'Reverse Frieza' on our last day on your Earth."

"Thanks to this human, and my golden form, we have finally found a way to fuse ourselves amd defeat you once and for all monkies!" Reverse Frieza said as he laughs at Goku and Flash. Vegeta out of no where after fighting the other members of the Frieza Force came in and starts distracting him inorder for both fallene heroes to flee but they've got other plans as which Goku instructs the speedster how to do a Kamehameha. Goku then fires his Kamehameha to Reverse Frieza who deflects it towards Whis who created a shield to defend himself along with some fallen memebers of Team Flash. Out of nowhere through a portal, The Flash arrives and stops before launching his Kamehameha that was surrounded by the lightning towards Reverse Frieza knocking him out splitting him back to regular Frieza and Reverse Flash who ran off somewhere and the Force grabs him before retreating back to base.

After a while of introduction, Barry walks of leaving the others who were still talking to the new arrival Goku and Vegeta notices something and goes to him. "What's wrong streaky?" "Its my Ex Wife we've rarely fet into fights with eachother and this time she blew it by aborting my children after I left her a note explaining my father in law's request on child custody and all I want is to help them develope their powers just like I've seen you do with your son now I've got to wait for the right person and time to do it." "You know if you fimd yourself true love, and have kids what I've seen is that they're going to be hybrids and they're more powerful than us since you're 100% speed and your ex was 100% human and please use my Gravity Room to cool off cause there is nothing like a training session to calm down from an emotional day negatively off course." "Thanks Vegeta I'll do it." With that Barry left to train in the chamber

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