Chapter 3

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Iris walked into STAR Labs and noticed not only the Legends but a document with a note on it resting on the mannequin. She grabs it and starts to read the note. "Hey Iris I want to let you know that I signed my part of these document and I'm sorry for not telling you about this but I'm tired of fighting you for how we should control our children's powers among a few other things cause you kept on blaming me for cheating on you since I've been helping out in E-38's DEO and   please put your signature on it and I chose something Joe agreed for custody so it means that once every two weeks after they're born we each get custody of them." Iris cried silently as Cisco came up to her. "Its too much for you to handle but Barry thinks that you're idea will somehow give them some health and mental problems." Iris nods as Cisco breached the Legends along with a shrunken 'WaveRider' towards Earth-38.

Barry's Point of View:
The moment I felt that we arrived to the DEO, I ran up to their medbay to see Kara's condition. I arrived and somehow I feel like my heart is broken in pieces as I remember what I signed moments before leaving Earth-1, along with the condition Kara was in. "Kara's going to be alright?" He asks as soon as Alex walked into the room. "Secretly you love her Barry, but you're married and a soon to be father and somehow I feel like she is right for you in another life." "I'm sorry Alex but Iris and I were getting tired of fighting and not even 'Jerry Springer' was able to help our relationship." I explained as Alex was surprised. "You have a Jerry Springer in your Earth!?" "Yeah and as I was saying, I signed a divorce document and I'm not sure about Iris." At that moment, Kara opened an eye weakly and spoke. "Ba-Ba-Barry is it you?" I turned around and hug her. "I missed you my 'Superfriend' and I was hoping to see you again but not like this." Kara smiles weakly as Brainiac signaled both Alex and myself for a meeting now that the rest of the Earth-1 Justice League arrived.

Minutes Later 3rd Person:
"Barry! How do you know about that alien Brainiac explained to us!" Alex asked with a surprised look on her face. "Well me along with Caitlin and Cisco decided to visit Earth-2 but somehow we ended up in Earth-7  where we've meet with a few of their species and they don't have any tails except for one who claimed to be the brother of the man whose wife helped us get to our original destination not before an alien invasion nearly destroyed a planet by one of their own and I was able to create a blast one of the guys used against the invaders." "And do you think you could help us with identifying this alien?" The Secretary of Defense asks him. "I hope so Madame Secretary-." Barry explained before an alarm started blaring. "Cisco, Palmer suit up!" Barry orders as he speeds of after asking Brainiac for the location.

The Kryptonian Saiyan Hybrid Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora