Chapter 20

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I'm a prisoner in my own home and it sucks. Alfred and I are stuck here with some twisted version of my grandfather, Thomas Wayne. Bruce has completely disappeared and is broken. I don't even know what to do. I can't get in contact with anyone else because Gotham Girl would be able to hear me. Seriously that girl is way powerful.

I heard her brother almost took down the Justice League. I can't help but feel bad for her as well. She lost her parents and her brother and her mind. I can see how he could have appealed to her. If I could rid this city of all crime I would. Then no one else would get hurt or killed like my mom did. But I can't approve of the way he decides to do that. I understand the ideal of killing criminals but it's wrong and immoral.

I don't actually know how to address him. So excuse me if I just resort to pronouns. The him I'm referring too is Thomas Wayne or "Batman". I don't know how he can call himself Batman. Batman doesn't do what he does. Batman doesn't kill criminals and make the whole entire city fear him. He doesn't hold hostages and force his family out of Gotham. But that's exactly what he does. Anyways, thinking about my current situation makes my head hurt.

I need my life back. I need my father back. I need my family back. I need Gotham City back. I hate Bane City. I hate this Batman. I hate myself for not being able to do anything about it.

"What's on your mind, Miss Alex?" Alfred asks.

Alfred is a prisoner with me. He's the reason why Dick, Jason, Tim, or Damian don't try to storm Gotham. Our fake Batman has threatened to put a bullet in his head if they do. Yeah so it's a lose lose situation for Alfred right now. He dies if the boys or anyone else tries to help. He's also a prisoner if they don't.

Now you must be wondering where I fit in too all this. I don't actually know. Fake Batman here didn't actually take me into account. He either didn't know about me or didn't think I was a threat. Anyways, I'm kinda in the same boat as the others and not. I call for help, I die and Alfred dies. Other heros try to help Alfred dies and I die too, I think. I'm not really sure. Again my part in this is a bit iffy. Which I could definitely use to my advantage but it could end up with either Alfred or I dead.

"I'm thinking about the scenarios of how we might die. I die if I call for help and then you do too. You die if the boys try to help you. If the boys try to help me it's up in the air but I'm assuming that both of us end up dead," I say.

"Those are some morbid thoughts," Alfred says.

"What can I say? This is a morbid time. Bruce might be dead. I might die. You might die. A lot of criminals are going to die. The government can't do anything cause they're scared. I'm a prisoner in this house. You are too," I list.

"Yes, that is true. But please try to look on the bright side?" Alfred asks.

"What bright side? People are scares to death because of our false Batman. The city is run by Bane. I was supposed to be enjoying my summer vacation and instead I deal with this!" I exclaim.

"I just want my life back to normal or whatever the hell it was," I whine.

"I understand, Miss Alex. I'm quite frustrated as well. But you have a better deal than I have. Your allowed to leave the house," Alfred says.

"Wait for real?" I ask.

"Yes. I convinced your grandfather to let you out. All I had to do was convince him that you weren't a so called threat," Alfred says.

"Alfred that's amazing, but I have two requests. One, don't call him my grandfather. He's not Batman nor is he my family. Two, I would very much like to show him how threatening I could be. Three, thank God that you're here otherwise I would lose my mind in this house," I say.

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