Chapter 15

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I've had a really long night. Fighting Mara, getting stitches, getting yelled at by literally every person I know. See I've had a long night.

The yelling was basically Bruce and Dick telling me that what I did was dangerous. That I could have seriously hurt myself and other things. The thing is I got so fed up with their lecture that I exploded on them. It was the classic you don't know how I feel. So I told them about how much I wanted revenge. That they would never fill the hole in my heart. That we aren't a family. Then I stormed to my room and haven't come out for two days now.

It's currently day three/four of ignore everyone. I'll admit I do feel a bit guilty about what I said. No matter how true it feels to me I shouldn't have said it. They were just trying to protect me and I blew up on them. I'm like ninety eight percent sure that I'm hiding now because of guilt.

I should be sleeping right now. It's eleven fifty nine now. I would soon be entering day four of not speaking to anyone else. I know I could change day four into day one of talking to someone but I don't know how to apologize.

I could make them breakfast and then accidentally give them food poisoning. Yeah, I'm a horrible cook. Just ask Cade and JJ. Or I could just be a normal person and suck it up and say sorry to Bruce and Dick. Damian was there but I don't think he really cared.

I need to stop overthinking this. I just need to clear my head. To the movie room. Yes there is a movie room. I'm going to watch a horror movie then I'm going for my comedy. It might be a rom-com. Or just a regular comedy. I haven't decided yet.

I look at my phone for the time. It's now twelve thirty. I spent a solid two hours and thirty minutes thinking. I know I'm pathetic. I peel back my covers and slip into my slippers. I'm going for stealthy ninja in case anyone else is up. Usually the house is deserted at night.

Well that's because everyone is asleep. What else could they be doing?

Okay, fair point. I should probably stop having these conversations with myself. It might make me look insane. But at least it's not out loud.

Making it to my door, I carefully open it. I don't want to wake Damian. Somehow Bruce thought putting Damian across from me was a good idea. I'm going to go with he wasn't thinking at all and this just happened to be the only space.

Yeah right. This place has like three stories. So I don't think so. It was probably a stupid attempt to get us to get along. Like that will ever happen.

Totally not happening anytime soon. I think Bruce should've realized this by now. I also think Bruce is starting to regret having kids or maybe a daughter. I mean he seemed to be okay with having boys but when it comes to girls I think he's not exactly prepared for it. I've been on my period and I when I had asked Bruce if he had any tampons it was the most awkward thing ever. His face was puzzled for a second and he asked me what I needed them for. Then realized that I'm a female and I swear it looked like he wanted to die in a hole as well. He just then told me to ask Alfred. This happened before I started ignoring everyone. If Bruce thinks I need to have the talk, I will jump out of a window.

Anyways I want to watch movies not think about the person I'm ignoring. I should probably make a snack stop. I can't watch a horror movie if I don't have the popcorn bucket to hide my face in. Yep making a pit stop to the kitchen.

Time skip

I got my popcorn and drink from the kitchen. I got my movies. I chose to watch It. It is the best movie ever. I've watched it like ten thousand times. JJ absolutely hates this movie but she still watches it with me. Cade loves horror movies as well and will always watch it with me. Most of the time Cade and I are laughing at some stupid person and JJ just buries her head in the popcorn bucket.

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