Chapter 8

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Wrong. This feels wrong. Waking up in a bed way bigger than I've ever slept in. A room so huge I could fit my room plus my mom's. It feels so strange to me.

Getting up off the bed was a challenge. This bed is super comfortable. If I could I would never leave this bed ever.

I start to walk out of my room and take three steps down the hall. And then it hits me. I have no clue as to where I'm going. I would ask for help but I don't see anyone else here.

Does this place have a map? Because that would be very helpful. Super helpful actually. But unfortunately for me I don't see one. I then decide that I'm smart enough to find my way myself.

Time skip

I'm lost. Like just lost. I may or may not have passed this wall twice now. Why is this house such a maze? I mean there should be like some kind of emergency map. That sounds stupid but I actually would need that.

I stop when I hear footsteps. Maybe someone has come to rescue me. I soon hear the footsteps stop. They're behind me from what I hear. I turn around and...

The devil himself is there. Damian Wayne. I know I'm technically a Wayne too but today I rather not be related to him. I still haven't forgotten or forgiven him.

"TT, It's you," Damian says.

"Not happy to see you, half pint," I say.

Damian looks at me and snarls. I roll my eyes at him.

"What are you doing here anyways, Crest?" Damian asks.

"First of all it's Alex. Second I was looking for the kitchen," I lie.

There's no way I'm telling him I got lost.

"Your lost, aren't you?" Damian asks.

"That's absurd," I say.

Damian doesn't say anything. He just turns and starts to leave.

"Wait where are you going?" I ask.

"Well obviously your not lost. So I guess I can leave," Damian says.

I can see the smirk on that little shit's face. I want to punch him. But I promised Bruce that I wouldn't.

"Whatever, I'm not lost. But I will accompany you. I have a thing with Alfred," I lie.

"TT. I don't care. Just know that I don't want to babysit a simpleton like you," Damian says.

I'm going to kill him. I really will. This boy is going to see my fist real soon. Is he always this way? Judging by Bruce and Dick apologies, he is.

"Well I don't care either," I say.

What a great comeback, Alex. You really showed him.

I expect Damian to have a retort. Instead he turns around again. And begins to walk. Grudgingly I follow him.

Time skip

Damian and I make it back to the living room. Damian goes off to wherever. I try to find anyone other than Damian at this point.

I don't notice Dick is near me. So when he says hi, I jump.

"Didn't mean to scare you," Dick says.

"You didn't scare me," I say.

"You just startled me. I didn't notice your presence," I say.

"Really?" Dick says with a teasing smile.

"Watch it, Grayson. I'm in no mood," I say.

Dick pales a bit. I'm extremely confused and concerned.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask.

"You sounded just like Damian," Dick says.

I groan loudly. That's the last thing I want to hear. I don't ever want to be compared to that little shit.

"Don't you dare compare me to him. I was just graced with his presence and let me tell you. I was so close to punching him in the face. The nerve of that boy," I fume.

"Anyways how are you?" I ask.

Dick mutters something under his breath. Most likely something about girls being so bipolar. When Dick looks at me I give him a glare. Then Dick seems to pale again.

"What is it now?" I ask.

"Your glare reminded me of Bruce's. Hey I just noticed something. Your eyes are blue like Bruce's. I would expect them to be black like your mother's," Dick says.

"Oh yeah I guess they are. I never really thought about having my father's eyes. I mean everyone said I looked just like my mom except I'm mixed," I say.

I smile sadly at the thought. I always loved it when people would say I looked like my mom. Because to me that was a compliment. I always wanted to be just like my mom. Mom always had a aura around her that made everyone like her instantly. She was always really nice to everyone. But she never took anyone else's shit.

Dick must've noticed the sad smile on my face. He looked as though he had just said the wrong thing.

"So Dick. Do you visit often," I ask.

"What do you mean?" Dick asks.

"I mean like visit the manor often," I say.

"Sometimes. I have my own place in Bludhaven," Dick says.

"That's cool. I wouldn't live in Bludhaven, but when I'm eighteen I'm moving to Metropolis. It was always my goal to leave Gotham. Really it doesn't even have to be Metropolis just any place but here," I say.

"I get what your saying but I couldn't leave Gotham. Even though I live in Bludhaven I still like to visit. Gotham's my home no matter how bad things get here," Dick says.

"That's nice for you. But I can barely stand being here now. I really just want to pack my things and leave," I say.

And it's all true. I mean my goal was for Mom and I to leave Gotham. A life of peace. But after Mom's death I really want to leave. If I could've I would've suggested that Uncle Ted and I leave. For me Gotham is a place of misery.

"You should Gotham more of a chance. It might just surprise you," Dick says.

"Gotham's surprised me enough," I say bitterly.

Dick instantly realizes what I mean. But before he can apologize I say," I gotta go."

And with that I walk away.

Time skip

I just wander around the whole manor. I start to memorize the whole place. I don't want to ever have to ask Damian (or anyone else for that matter) for help ever again.

Alex WayneWhere stories live. Discover now