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ADELAIDE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO AS THE PAIR QUICKLY STEPPED BACK (ODDLY SHE DIDN'T STAND ON HIS TOES), HIS GUN STILL OUTSTRETCHED BEFORE THEM. Once his back hit the bar he span her around to face him, their faces inches apart and etched in serious expressions; his hands were tight on both her shoulders and the butt of the gun dug into her collarbone.

"Stay here okay, stay out of the way" He commanded, his eyes were staring hard at her before he reluctantly left to join the brawl. Did he think she was a child? But she did listen, well not really listen but more just stood there 'out of the way'. How could she be 'out of the way' when serpent vampires were fighting and killing people all around her?

But then she remembered who she was - Adelaide Santanico Roujas. Fucking Adelaide Santanico Roujas. She wouldn't just 'stand around' or 'stay out of the way'. This thought sprung her into action, quickly pulling her gun and kicking a table into a creature barrelling towards her. The table collided hard and sent the serpent flying back to where she shot them square in the head.

"Behind the bar!" She yelled over the screams and grunts, to the Fullers who were gawking around scared and shocked, crouched beneath a table. Jacob nodded and skittered across the blood slicked floor, his hands on the backs of his children urging and guiding them behind the bar.

She inhaled deeply and pressed on a smile, feeling the comforting weight of her gun in her shaking palms. Her frantic eyes searched for the brothers who circled back to back. But before she could reach them, her eyes got distracted by the door being boarded up by a quiet man and the windows being covered by swift shooting railings.

"Fuck" She mumbled, and her hands began shaking even more.

"Shit" She hissed, clutching onto her gun as if it was a lifeline. Which it was. More now that ever.

With heavy breaths and rapid shoves she pushed her way frantically through culebras, screaming people and falling dying people. Before she knew it blood slicked the ankles of her jeans.

She was only a few feet from the brothers, one hand outstretched to grasp onto Richie's jacket arm and the other pressed against her chest, holding her gun over her pounding heart. But she was swiftly pulled back, with inhumane strength, and as her head whipped back she swore she felt her brain crash into her skull. She felt sick and disoriented as a deep growl filled her ears. But now wasn't the time for whiplash, and Adelaide definitely wasn't going to die over fucking whiplash.

She crouched and kicked out her leg, the vicious man tumbling over her back and onto the floor before her. She didn't have time to think before shooting him in the forehead and continuing her mission to the Geckos, but now stumbling. She was going to throw up, stars taunting the corner of her eyes.

She slipped over a dead body and crashed into the tall Gecko brother. He looked down at her confused, with furrowed brows and clouded eyes, but he didn't move. Not even when a fanged woman ran at him, blood dripping down her scaled chin, meaning Seth had to save the pair. He roughly yanked Adelaide by her upper arm, but her eyes still connected with Richie's for a second longer before he turned back to the carnage.

"What the fuck are you doing? I thought I told you to stay put!" He shrieked in her face with a tensed expression, but there was something else underneath the anger in his voice.

She tore her arm from his vice-tight grip, swaying as if she was drunk instead of only dizzy, but she tried not to let him see.

"I don't fucking stay put" She spat back, clenching her jaw and hardening her eyes before turning away, her glare still lingering behind.

Fire threated to lick at her legs and the band still played, their faces deforming. She pushed the brothers back to avoid the flames, the dancing woman from before landing in their previous space.

"What the fuck" Seth exclaimed, Richie repeated it and Adelaide felt like she should too. What. The. Fuck.

Bodies flew everywhere, and Adelaide didn't tear her eyes from them as she explained to the brothers of the bars she had seen enclosing them in.

"Great, just what we fucking need" Seth scowled, shaking his head and bringing his dirtying hand to his face to pinch the bridge of his nose.

As the trio circled, their backs pressed closely to each other's, Adelaide's gaze landed on the Fullers who shook violently as a crawling woman flew backwards, crashing into a table.

"Miss me migos" A man seethed from behind her, she glanced back to see the disgusting man from earlier. His face distorted, pushing into a reptilian expression but not hiding the slimy smirk. Adelaide sighed, pushing her tongue onto the inside of her teeth; of course this freak was one of them.

Seth ran at the man beside him, landing a hard fist into his jaw as Richie leapt at another.

The slime from before licked his lips as he watched Adelaide with amused eyes, and she couldn't help but shudder. She raised her gun without a thought but as she pulled the trigger, nothing happened.

"For fuck's sake" She muttered, the culebra's eyes lighting up even more as he charged at her, "Fuck"

She let her hand slip, clasping tight to the barrel before smashing the hilt across his face with as much power as she could muster. He stumbled back, clutching his nose once again and she allowed herself a second to smirk. But he only shook it off, charging at her again but this time with even more anger and soon his hands had gripped onto her arms.

She squirmed, pain scrunching up her face as she felt his long nails piercing into her skin beneath the sleeves. She tried her hardest to shake him off, but it was in vain. He was too strong, especially in her woozy state, and soon he'd pulled her to him. She thrashed her legs out, catching him between his and he dropped her with a hard thud to the ground, groaning out and swearing. She moaned as she felt sharp splints shoot up her arm where she had landed on it and her ribcage throbbed, but she rolled over and pushed herself up.

"Bitch" He groaned out between sharp breaths, digging his hands into where she had been laid seconds prior.

To her better judgement, she leapt onto his back and locked her legs around him like a sly strait jacket. It was now his turn to try and shake her off. Like a rabid dog he crazily grabbed behind him, but she dodged every advance except one that only wrapped around her calf for half a second before she drove her heel into his hip.

She'd lost track of the boys, the man having led her towards a wall in a desperate attempt to free his back. Once he'd reached it, he slammed her hard against it and the overwhelming dizziness returned. She definitely had concussion now and she thought she may vomit all over his shoulder. The action loosened her grip and she slipped from his back into a heaving mess onto the ground, now not even feeling the effects of a drop. His smirk returned - although tainted by pain - as he leaned towards her face, crimson leaking from his fangs. She wasn't going to let herself fear him, or at least let him see anything that resembled fear. So she glared back at him with unblinking eyes and a pulsating jaw, only pain creasing her forehead and trembling her lips. But from the corner of her eye she saw a discarded gun and with a flash of a bloodied hand snatched it; shooting him between the eyes, his thick blood splattered all over her face. She wretched at the horrid, rotten smell and desperately rubbed her sleeve over her face, clambering to her feet.

Her eyes scanned for the brothers, she didn't want to lose them, and she wasn't sure if that was for her or them.

| this chapter suuuucked, omg im so sorry

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