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THE LARGE RV FOLLOWED THE STOLEN SILVER CAR ACROSS THE LINE WITHOUT ANY TROUBLE; BUT NOT AS PERFECT AND BREEZILY AS ADELAIDE HAD MANAGED AND SHE COULDN'T HELP BUT SMILE HAPPILY AT HERSELF, INNATELY LAUGHING AT HOW EASY IT HAD BEEN. After everything Adelaide finally was in Mexico and surprisingly faster than she had estimated. She still had expected an extra week before she reached the dusty country. Yet here she was, watching with crosses arms and a cocked eyebrow, the infamous Gecko brothers lug an unconscious man back into his car. Adelaide couldn't help but giggle at how silly the whole scenario looked, the two muscled men huffing and gritting their teeth from the weight.

When Seth slipped on a stone - quickly steadying himself - she couldn't suppress the giggle behind her hand anymore and it leaked out into the open, the sound weirdly cute for the harsh girl. Seth just gave her a glare but Richie smirked at her and winked, the chuckle also evident behind the lines in his cheeks. For some reason that little interaction between them made her smile widen.

After the brothers had safely placed the man back in his car, the fugitive trio entered the RV again before Jacob started the engine and the van continued down the desolate road the group has pulled over on.

Whilst Seth hovered closely over Jacob (obviously still on edge and not trusting him), the Fuller children took their places at the back of the vehicle as if it was their unspoken designated seats. However Adelaide and Richie both sat side by side on the dark, uncomfortable couch between the pairs (where the passed out man was laid previously). Adelaide nonchalantly pulled out the crumpled plastic bag which she'd taken from the car, only around twenty sweets left. Richie cocked his eyebrow at her and gave her an amused look.

"What? They're my favourite" Adelaide shrugged, popping an open one into her mouth making her fingers sticky. Stealing a random man's open sweets from his car was the most trivial thing she'd done.

Richie just chuckled and shook his head slightly, the lines around his mouth coming out again and lifting his glasses. Adelaide noticed how precious he looked like that as if he was just a kind hearted man. Maybe she wasn't the only one good at faking an innocent facade.

Adelaide held out the bag to him and nodded down to them, her lips pursed as she sucked on the one inside her mouth. He took one, unwrapped it and pushed the wrapper into his suit pocket before sucking on it himself.

"Lemon" He murmured as if he was talking to himself. Adelaide nodded as if to confirm this even though he didn't ask a question, and the large block yellow font on the bag was obvious.

"You know I'm surprised" The other Gecko's voice said in an amused tone causing the pair to glance over at him.

"I thought the kid over there was going to give us away" He continued, gesturing to Scott even though the only ones paying attention to him were his brother and Adelaide.

"But I guess Little Miss Surprise really is as cold and sharp as she showed earlier" He laughed, turning fully in the passenger seat now.

"I have a name" Adelaide said through gritted teeth, the words haunting her as she'd only said them an hour ago.

"Please enlighten us" Seth said in a playful tone, extending his hand and sweeping it out.

She rolled her eyes and was going to ignore him but she was in too high spirits from finally being across the border and from the sweet lemon sherbet.

"Adelaide" She sighed, leaning back in the uncomfortable cushion and crunching the hard sweet in her teeth, the shards digging into the inside of her cheeks "Roujas"

"Roujas" Seth pondered as if there was some deeper meaning or he was supposed to recognise the name, which he wasn't.

Before the awkward conversation could continue the RV jolted to a sudden stop, propelling the passengers all forward. Adelaide's hands weren't holding the couch like last time but instead we're shoved into the pockets of her leather jacket so she was unable to brace herself for the brake. However it was only her feet that slid out from their bent position as Richie instinctively stuck his arm out, it gently resting in front of her stomach and protecting her from a fall. But he took it away as quickly as it had shot out, and now he looked sheepish.

Jacob put the car in park but stayed still in his seat (the same with his kids) as Seth rushed to the window, pulling the curtain aside. Adelaide followed, curious and so did Richie but not before fumbling self consciously with the bandage wrapped tight on his wounded hand.

Outside the dirty window was a large lit up building which oozed of drunk and brawling people, mostly men. The neon lights read 'titty twister' and had an sexualized image of a woman, which made Adelaide grimace. This was where she was supposed to be, even if at the moment she really didn't want to go in. Why would Carlos tell her to come here? A place that was a cist pool of sex and alcohol, she wasn't that low yet. Just from the look of it, she knew what the place was and what the atmosphere would be inside. But she could look after herself, all she had to do was find Carlos and this would all be over.  She had finally made it.

A group of men were arguing and falling onto each other as they exited the large wooden doors but their shouts were drowned out as behind them was a loud exploding sound as fire shot into the air. Adelaide's eyes tore up to it and stared long after it had disappeared into the dark sky. Something wasn't right here. More than the obvious immoral doings. But Adelaide couldn't place her finger on exactly what it was. And Adelaide's only option was to go inside, she couldn't turn around and explore Mexico. Now she was here all she could do was go inside and hope whatever was wrong it wouldn't be too bad, and she'd be out of there soon.

"We're here" Seth said with a grin seeping into his voice "I told you we would make it" He jumped up and patted Richie on the chest telling him to 'come on'.

Richie's face was blank as he gazed out the window but he followed his brother as did the rest of the group; leaving Adelaide frowning inside. After a few seconds she bounded out of the RV making sure to grab her gun from her bag and hide it inside her leather jacket, she wasn't taking any chances, she could tell this place wasn't the purest and something was sure to happen to her.

She slammed the door behind her and huffed a sigh as she stood in between the intimidating brothers, her arms crossed. They looked like a scary, cut throat trio on the cover of a movie.

"You better hold up your end of the deal" Jacob mumbled, she could tell how much the Fullers didn't want to be here; it seemed to radiate from them all and she wondered how pure Kate would react to what she'd find inside the bar.

They all stared up at the building, their faces morphed in emotions as another shot of fire exploded in the sky that seemed to lack any stars. Something definitely wasn't right here and it wasn't just the intoxicated men fighting over a stripper. Adelaide had witnessed everything immoral and now she was desensitised to it, so much that she could now sense it. And her instincts were telling her to run; run far, far away even though she needed to go inside and find Carlos (after everything she couldn't give up).

But they were here. Finally here. Even if they didn't know what here would truly hold.

And here was the Titty Twister.

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