Summoner: Origins Is Out!

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Hi everyone!

You can read the first chapter of Summoner: Origins right now! Just search for it in the app, or check out my profile! I have also put the link in the comments.

I've attached the front cover too so you can see what it looks like, it was made by the same awesome artist who did Summoner: The Novice, Malgorzata Gruszka.

Summoner: The Novice is also available for preorder all over the world! I have posted the links to Amazon in the comments below and on my profile, but you can also find it on iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Barnes and Noble and Google Play! International fans (that includes readers from the Philippines) can order the English Language versions of the book by checking their usual online stores.

The published version of Summoner: The Novice is an extended and professionally edited novel that includes longer chapters, more training, more demons, more lessons, more action and the Tournament as well! The version on Wattpad is now just a large sample.

I can't wait for you guys to read Summoner: Origins and I will be uploading a chapter of it every Friday. 

I just want to take the opportunity to thank you again for being so supportive and patient with me on my journey to becoming a published author. It means the world to me.

With gratitude,


Summoner: The Novice (Book 1) SAMPLE OF NOW PUBLISHED BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now