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   I strut out of the white house with a huge smile plastered across my face. Elijah walks out, taking me by the hand. He twirls me around and plants a kiss on my cheek.

   "You crushed it."

   I smile at him and walk down the steps to see them flash black and then back to white. I turn back to see the building as white as it could be. I take Elijah's hand in mine and rush to get out of there, in fear of being followed. 

  "Skylar. Is something wrong?" Elijah asks, squeezing my hand.

   "No, I'm fine."


   "How long is this party going to be?" my mom asks, folding her arms.

   "Three hours, max," Elijah replies, turning to face my mom.

   My mom smiles and looks me in the eyes.

   "No drugs, no alcohol, no fooling around," she instructs. "This party must stay PG."

   "Yes, ma'am," I salute.

   "Oh, yes, before I forget, you made the cover of a magazine," my mom tells me, handing over the magazine.

   I look at the magazine. It reads, Reporter Fired For Insulting A National Hero. I laugh. That's what the sucker gets.

   I smile and turn around to see someone duck from behind the window.

   "Elijah, who is that behind the window?" I ask.

   Elijah turns and looks at me.


   I look at him, and back at the window to see nobody there. I can feel my pulse quicken. Someone must have followed me. Maybe they are here for the party.

   "Hello?" I walk closer to the window, but I see nothing but two footprints left behind.

   "Well, now I know I'm not hallucinating," I say out loud.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           I walk away thinking nothing of it, and start setting up for the party.


    "Welcome to the party. Have a nice time!" I say for the millionth time.  
                                                                                                                                                                                                            I see no one else arrive at the door, and I shut it and start looking for Elijah.

   "Elijah!" I scream, walking past a crowd of strangers.

   I spot him climbing onto the table with a metal spoon and glass in hand. He steadies himself on top of the table.

   "Hello, everyone! Thank you for coming to our celebration of defeating the people responsible for all of the kids asleep," he yells, banging the cup and the spoon together.

   I walk up to him as fast as my feet can carry me, and I smile up at him.

   "I need to talk to you," I whisper walking toward the front door.

   I can hear his footprints from behind me. I open the door and walk onto the grass. I turn at the sound of the front door slamming.

   "Thank you fo-" I stop short to notice a stranger standing before me.

When I AwakenedWhere stories live. Discover now