George H. X Male Reader

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holy fuck it has been a bit. I'm in school now so may be longer then normal if I even have a normal.

Well, I started a snl story if ya wanna check it  out. It's Michael and Colin. I kinda wanted to do Stefon and Seth but was like nah.

"George! Are you out here?" I yell in to the garden.

"Just a moment yn!" He yells back. I stand there for a few moments and see George appear with dirt all over him and his gloves.

"So love, what is it?" He asks smiling at me.

"We have to go soon for that interview, the one about us being a couple and all." I remind him.

"Ah yeah, that one." He glumly looks down but then walks inside to get dressed.

He has a paisley shirt and Jeans, and I'm wearing a floral shirt with a leather jacket and jeans. We head out to get in the car and I drive us.

On the way neither of us talk, both too nervous because we don't know if the person interviewing us is ok with queers or not. We pass the studio and got the car park. I park and we look at each other and kiss. We then get out hand in hand into the building.

"Hello we are live with George Harrison and his homosexual partner, yn ln. So first off, how are you?" He asks

"I'm pretty well and I think yn is as well." George turns to me and I nod.

"Wonderful. So how long have you two been together?"  He asks

"For four years now, meet during Sargent Peppers and got together in early '68." I answer. 

"So George was dating model Pattie Boyd, were you seeing anyone? How did Pattie react to this and if yn was seeing anyone how did they react?" He asks.

"Well I was seeing this Bird, but it was really only for our familys. We were friends and decided to act like a couple for the family. When I met George, I told her about him and she thought I should go for him and I did. We are still friends." I reply with a slight smile.

"Pattie was surprised, and disliked that I went for a man but was happy I was honest. She was sad because I guess she loved me, but happy she 'didn't live with a queer for any longer'," George says with finger quotes with a neutral face.

"So how did you two meet during Sargent Peppers?" He asks us.

"I was a viola player in the orchestra that was hired to play on the album. We started to become friends and eventually more." I reply with a smile.

"Since so many people find your relationship wrong, how do you feel about it?" 

"Well I feel sorry that they think that way, it's awfully sad to live that way and despise a group of people. We aren't affecting them, so who cares." I say in a casual tone and look at George and he nods in agreement.

He asked us some more questions and was showing a bit more of that he disagrees with us, but we handle it. Once it ends George does some autographs and we head home.

George is in the kitchen making dinner and I'm in the studio in our home messing  with recording with some instruments we have on the 4 track. I have a song that I played viola, guitar, drums and sing on so far totally done and a few demos. George thinks I should record an album since I've helped him before. I still feel weary of it though.

"Love, dinner is ready." George comes in. I smile at him.

"What are we having?" 

"Tofu with sautéed vegetables. And yes, I seasoned the tofu so it doesn't tase like 'bland white shit'." He does air quotes for the last part and I nudge him.

We enjoyed our dinner that was quite good. Now George and I are laying on the sofa in the living room talking and kissing. I love this man. 

"You are amazing." I say and kiss him

"You too yn." He replies and kisses me again.

I hope you somewhat enjoyed this. I went to a show for a band I love and it was like five band playing so they were second to last but the one before threw shit in the most pit. I got hit in the head with silly string and then hit a guy in the face with a glow stick. A 50-60 year old man fell in the mosh pit and I picked him up and he threw me on the ground and the helped me up. People in mosh pits are so nice. I lost my glasses and a few people stoped and made a boundary around me and looked for them cause I couldn't see. They found them.

Sorry I was taking about that but like whatever. Bye.

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