John L. X Male Reader

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Hey thanks for 500 reads! I gotta rock camp to go to next week so I may not update for a bit (like a week or so, but you are used to it so idk why I'm saying anything). Enjoy hopefully

Yn is first name as usual.

I walk into my new home in the suburbs of Liverpool. I don't really mind moving but I still don't really want to because of all the unpacking. I look around, It was built in the 30's so I expected it to look like that. I wasn't totally wrong, also looking like a bit of the 50's mixed in there. The kitchen was pretty cool, had that 50's style to it and I was liking it. I went upstairs and looked more, the bathroom had a porcelain tub so that's pretty cool. Kinda like a step back in time. I wonder around the bedrooms trying to figure out which one would become mine.

"Yn, do you like the place? I hope you would because of how fascinated you are with history." My mum asked me. 

"Yeah, I quite like it. I'm still going to miss the old place because I grew up there, but I think this will be fine." I say looking up at the ceiling, has a nice glass over head light. 

"Well I'm glad, we will do some work to make it a bit nicer and safe but keep a lot. Like the kitchen, I want to keep everything but that stove. Looks like murder in there." She says going down the stairs seeming like she was mumbling the last part to her self. 

I walk outside where some of the movers are. They are getting all the boxes out of the truck and then will move the furniture out. 

"Need any help moving stuff inside lad?" One asks me

"I think a few items, but the rest my mum and I can do." I smile at him.

They move in the washer and dryer and a few more heavy items my mum and I couldn't do ourselves. Once they leave my mum and I get her bed frame and mattress in her room then mine. We decided it was ok to leave most of the boxes outside since it wasn't going to rain and our gate was locked. We'll get it tomorrow. 

"Do you wanna make dinner wile I go and fix the sink in the loo upstairs?"

"You know how to do plumbing?" I ask her, she can do a ton but I didn't know about pluming.

"No, but I got the internet. I fixed the car with the internet, if I fixed the car I can fix the sink." She smiles at me, she's so smart and do it yourself kinda person. She only gets help if she needs it. 

"Ok, want me to make veggies and pasta?" I ask, I'm the best at that dish.

"Sounds great." She reply's wile heading up stairs. I start to cut the vegetables but then remember that the stereo is in the living room, not totally set up yet. I go and look, will take a few minutes to set up.


"I'd like Elvis" I hear behind me. I turn around but no ones there. Hmmm





"What did Elvis ever do to you?" There's the voice again! I look around and no one again. This is kinda weird. I brush it off and don't think too much about it.

I set up the stereo and got the record playing. I'm almost done with dinner so I get two plates and set it out on the table we set earlier. I go back in the living room to flip the record o the other side when I see a Elvis record on the floor, not on the shelf like it should be. I don't think there is anyway that it fell but whatever. I put it back and flip the record. I finish dinner and set it on the plates. I walk over to the stairs to call for my mum to tell her dinner is ready.

We eat and talk about the new house more. I see a blur behind my mum, like a man was there but wasn't. Weird. 

Once we are done with dinner she goes back to trying to fix the sink and I clean up. I put leftovers away and then head to the living room to continue listening to music. I see the Elvis record on the ground again and decide to put it on. I sit on the couch and scroll through the news on my phone. I read a few articles and out of nowhere someone touches my arm. I look up and no one is here. What the hell is happing? Am I high and not know it? I go back to reading hopping that I'm just paranoid about my new home.

 I continue to read for a bit longer, my mum joins me on the couch and scrolls through Facebook, changes the album to a Mazzy Star album that I'm not too familiar with. I grow kinda tired so I decided to go to bed. I bid goodnight to her and head upstairs.

As I'm going up I fell someone, or something's breath on my neck. I stop and stand for a second, it feels. . .   pleasant. I turn around and once again no one is there. What the fuck is happening? I head up to my room and close my door and get the sheets on my bed. I then turn the light off and lay down. 

I wake up and my lamp is on. I turned it off, at least I think. I look at the end of my bed and see a teddy boy around the age of 17. I'm really confused but not scared. 

"Hello?" I ask

"Hi, why are ye here? This is my place." He gets straight to the point.

"Well, my mum just bought the house. It's ours. Who are you and why are you here?" I ask slightly annoyed.

"Well I lived here until I died then someone bought it but left because I annoyed them so much. No one really lives here because they leave from me annoying them. Also the names John." He winked the last part at me. 

"Well John, nice to meet you. My name is yn and I doubt you are getting rid of us." I say in a bit of a flirtatious tone.

"Why is that? Because you think you can charm me ye poof?" He smirks at me and shifts closer to me.

"Maybe, if we get along we could become friends. Bet you've been lonely for so long." I reply getting a bit closer.

"Maybe I have, I've also been craving something that you can maybe give me." He and I get closer and our lips meet. He wraps his arms around me and I shift closer. I put one of my hands in his hair, and pull it some.

"I'll see you tomorrow, love. We can continue then." He pulls away and he's gone. Did I just kiss a ghost? One that's probably old enough to be my granddad. Well I can't wait for tomorrow. 

I hope you enjoyed this, it was pretty fun to write. I may do another part to this little story. This is a lot longer then my past few so I hope you enjoyed this long chapter.

ALSO REMEMBER I DO REQUESTS! I have a few ideas of stuff, but still so I give you more content! Don't be afraid to request, because I am when someone ever says that. I may not do it, but I have done everyone's so far.

Have a nice day and I shall most likely update more pretty soon.

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