Chapter 8~ "Not really 'Dad' per se..."

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Aero's Pov
    Rolling my eyes, I could already tell this group was going to be a major pain in my ass.
    "I'm not really his dad per se" I sighed, "more like the person who raised and protected him his entire life...okay so maybe closer to a dad than a brother..."
    "BROTHER?!" All of their voices coming at me at once like this was really starting to being on a migraine.
    "Yes, brother, not that any of that is any of y'alls business, considering we just met" I retorted, once again rolling my eyes.
    "Anybody who dares claim to be close with our dear Haruhi must prove themselves to be worthy of being friends with my dear daughter, and that includes making sure it is safe for her to be around you" the tall blond exclaimed.
    "First of all senpai, I already told you I have a dad, I don't need another one. Second, I've known Aero way longer than I've known any of you. Third, he is like a brother to me, not just a friend, and you should treat him like it!" I nodded and agreed with Haruhi, it was always better to just go with her flow when she went into a rant.
    "You have brought up some excellent points Haruhi,"  smirked the glasses wearing death note holder "and if he is like family to you, he should be treated in the same manner we treat you."
    "That's right!" She exclaimed, happy with herself.
    "So you should have no qualms with Mr. Angelos joining our prestigious club, correct?"
"That's rig— wait WHAT?!?" We both cried out.
"Oh I'm so happy! We're gaining another member for our happy family! Since he is like Haruhi's brother, he shall be my son! And I'll be his daddy!" The tall blond seemed to be bursting with happiness.
Deciding to take action and give in slightly to the growing temptation to look at this blond beauty up close, I straightened my vest, rolled up the sleeves of my dress shirt, and walked to him in long strides.
He didn't notice me while he was on the floor rolling around like the merry and naive boy he seemed to be. Maybe because he was still ranting and raving, or maybe he did notice and just decided to ignore me and continue ranting. Whatever the case, when I reached him, I grabbed him, pulled him close, held him by the waist, and leaned in...

 Whatever the case, when I reached him, I grabbed him, pulled him close, held him by the waist, and leaned in

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"I'm not your son", I grinned, "but you can definitely be my daddy"

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