~Chapter Four~ HIM

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Third Person POV

He countinued sobbing. Haruhi looked like she was just about ready to start sobbing too, but she held it in. That sadness was still there, but anger soon filled her eyes as well. She rose her hand high and brought it down on her old friends face. Aero looked shocked from the impact and stopped crying immediately.
  "H-Haru...why would you..." He stuttered.
  Haruhi lowered her head and her bangs cast a shadow over her brown eyes. The hand she used to hit Aero was  balled into a fist as her arm shook. The said man's eyes widened as he saw the stream of tears run down her face.
  "WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE ME?!" She screamed at him.
  "WHY?!" She creamed again when he gave her a soft look, but didn't answer.
Aero slowly got up off the ground and dusted himself off. He strode over to the brunette girl and pulled her into a tight hug. He put his chin on her head and looked at the wall behind her.
"I'm truly VERY sorry Haru...it's just...I had to get away from him. He almost killed me, and mom..."
  Aero could feel and see the poor girl flinch and stiffen...because she knew exactly who he was talking about...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhj, who is HIM?? Remember to comment? And share this story. If you'd be interested in having a character of yours in my books just comment their profile and I'll pick a few! ^_^ Stay cool readers!

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