Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Four days later, the brothers' relationship started to get visibly strained. Farrah hadn't been heard from, so her activities were left to their imagination (little did they know, she was exploring heaven with Cas most of the time).

They were in the middle of a job, seemingly simple enough that Garth could do it (You've been Garth'd). During lunch, Sam was looking over a menu. "Huh."

"What?" Dean asked.

"They have alphabet soup."


"In the photo, the letters in it spell 'dad' and 'liar'. That's ironic, don't you think?"

Dean chose not to respond, and that ended the conversation.

A little old woman at a table beside theirs, facing them. Hearing them bicker, she looked up and said in a British accent, "Oh, are you two having a domestic? Lying's never good for a relationship."

Sam sighed and looked at his menu again. Dean said, "We're not gay, lady."

"My name is Mrs. Hudson. I'm here visiting a friend in the witness protection."

"Don't think you're supposed to be handing out info like that."

"No, I suppose not." She laughed daintily.

Dean looked away and rolled his eyes.

"Don't disrespect your elders, Dean," Sam hissed quietly.

"Shut up and order."


Farrah stood by and rested her head on Cas's shoulder, silently watching the boys. He had his arm around her waist, having needed more contact than usual to teach her how to "spy" like that.

"Are you alright?" Cas asked, concerned that doing this was tiring her.

After a slight hesitation, she sighed. "No. I'm not. I caused this rift between them."

"No you did not. Sam made his own decision to agree with you."

"As did you." She remembered what he had told her about his recent visit to the Winchesters. Dean had presented his side of the facts, after Farrah had hers (which is why he went to speak to Dean in the first place). When Cas had said that Dean was in the wrong, he'd gotten mad and gone off at him.

She sighed again. "Let's go. I can't watch this."

Before she could blink, they were back at Bobby's. He had heard too, and he was madder at Dean than Sam was.

Well, thought Farrah, at least Dean isn't alone. Sam isn't mad enough to leave, so that's good.

Was she wrong.

Two hours later, Bobby got a call from Sam. "What are you talking about? You've got a car...oh. Yea, Cas's here. I'll send him down to get ya." He hung up. "Idjit's got himself stranded in a Gas 'N Sip in Tennessee."

"Where's Dean?"


Farrah frowned. "Why are they in-oh." Understanding washed over her like a cool wave, followed by a hot flash of guilt. "Sam got mad and left, didn't he?"


"I will find him," Cas promised before leaving.

Farrah rubbed her arms. "I did this. Dang it." Tears filled her eyes. "I always do this."

She sank to a chair and put her head in her hands. Bobby looked over. "What'd ya mean?"

"Nothing." She'd forgotten he was there, otherwise she would've stayed silent.

"You tell me. Don't you start bottling stuff up so young. Dean does this too, and it's killing him."

She sighed. "When I was little, I had really good friends. Then, I made one mad. Everyone else sided with me, and started to get mad at each other. None of them are friends anymore. Except Thomas. Thomas and I stayed friends. I did it with Mom's friends too, and only Mom stayed nice to me."

"I ain't your mother."

"No." She sighed and muttered something as she sat up. "I need to talk to Dean before this becomes permanent."

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