Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Seeing Farrah's terrified expression, Thomas leaned forward and put his arm over her shoulder, hugging her to his side.

She closed her eyes. "Castiel, please tell me I'm wrong." Sam thought she sounded very much like a kid, asking her mom if her dad would ever come home. Her small high voice squeaked out in a mere whisper of terror.

Cas didn't notice, or ignored, her fear. "I do not think so. Holy water does not hurt angels or humans."

She nodded, not otherwise moving, and sucked in a shaking breath. Thomas heard and said, "Far, let's go outside." She nodded and stood up, opening her eyes to show everyone tears.

The three men watched the kids leave, then Dean said, "Sheesh. After what's happened, you'd think she'd be able to handle this."

Sam sighed and shrugged, not coming to her defense, nor agreeing with his brother.

Cas narrowed his eyes and said, "Farrah is very strong to take all that she has and not break down. Do not call her weak."

Farrah, outside with Thomas, sat on a bench and took a deep breath, trying to calm down. All it did was upset her more, and a tear fell down her cheek. She hastily wiped it away.

Thomas sat beside her. "You know, this probably isn't the right time to stay this, but your uncle is hot."

She burst out in a fit of giggles that made Thomas smile. "H-he's too old for y-you." Her breath caught as she spoke.

"I know. You're taking this really well, Farrah."

She sniffed and smiled at him.

"Don't worry. This is okay. Actually, it's better than okay." She looked up curiously. "Well, if everything that applies to the angels applies to the demons, then you have the easiest job on the planet."

"Yeah, I guess."

"C'mon, let's go back inside and get started. I do have a job to get back to."

She nodded and he stood. "I'll be in in a minute. You go ahead."

"You sure? I can stay here."

"No, go on. I'd like a second to myself."

He nodded and walked inside. Almost immediately Cas was in front of him. "Why did you leave her? There are demons after her that can easily find her."

"Calm down. She just wanted some time alone." He wasn't entirely over what Cas had done to Farrah, so his tone was hostile.

Cas nodded and stepped aside, allowing him in. Sam was on the phone with Bobby.

"Yeah, I know," he smiled. "Okay, we'll swing by as soon as we're finished here."

Farrah walked in, her eyes and nose red, and said, "Sorry. Just...a lot. I'm fine. Ready to go. I think I have the flying down pretty well, but I can't fly with anyone really."

"Okay, so, Cas, what's the next step?" Dean asked.

"And do you need us? We kinda need to gank this poltergeist and get to Bobby's," said Sam.

"We don't need you."

They nodded, grabbed their bags, and left. Cas said, "There is no simple way to control the compulsion. You will have to learn not to tell anyone to do anything."

"If I say please, does that count as telling them?"

He didn't know. Farrah turned to Thomas. "You know to say no, right?"


She nodded. "Go get my laptop."

He didn't say anything, but got it and handed it to her. "Okay. Please take my laptop back where you found it."

He grit his teeth and started to reach out to grab the computer, but at the last second seemed to change his mind and pulled his hands back. "No."

She grinned. "Okay, so if I say please, you still have partial control. Wonderful."

Cas nodded, then perked up and looked out the window. "Demons. They're here."

"Then let's go," said Thomas.

"Not yet." Cas flew out and back in a few seconds, bringing one of the demons with him. The demon had a dagger out. Immediately he flung his arm out and stabbed Cas in the side. Farrah ran forward and grabbed the angel as he fell.

Glaring at the demon, she hissed, "Sit and don't move."

He did so, and she looked down at Cas. She knew that angels healed quickly, so pulled the dagger out and covered her mouth. Blood. She'd always hated seeing someone bleed.

"Castiel?" she said, pressing gently on the wound to staunch the flow.

He nodded and sat up. "I am fine."

"Not exactly."

The demon couldn't move, but inside he was glaring at Farrah, watching her care for the angel he tried to kill. He was supposed to be killing her-the half-angel that could command the armies of heaven.

When Farrah was sure Cas was alright, she stood up and faced the demon. "You will speak only to answer my questions. Are you here to kill me?"

"Yes," he said, not having any control over his mouth.

"I won't ask why, I know that much. How many are after me?"

"All of hell. Crowley sends his greetings."

She pursed her lips. She knew about the prior King of the Crossroads and current King of Hell. "Where is he?"

"On earth, looking for you. He will be coming soon."

She glared at him. Cas said, "How long will it be until he is here?"

The demon didn't move. "Answer him," said Farrah strictly.

He glared up at her and said, "A day, maybe less."

She nodded. "Do you have anymore questions?"


Nodding, she turned back to the demon. "You will leave here and never return to my presence again, killing every demon who you know for certain wants me dead. Now go."

He left. Farrah put her hand on her head, feeling a little dizzy. "Thomas, I need to sit down." He got up and ran over, but she fell before he reached her.

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