Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Farrah stood in the kitchen, leaning her forehead against the doorframe.

"You haven't eaten since two days ago at dinner," said Sam.

She grumbled angrily, "I'm not hungry."

It was noon, and the hunters were eating lunch. They were all badgering her about her habits.

"You starving yourself?" Bobby asked. "Plenty slim enough, girl."

"I'm not starving myself!" She stood up straight and growled, "I'm not hungry! I've smelled food, I've tried to eat an apple, but I couldn't finish it! I'm. Not. Hungry. Gosh."

With a sigh, she left the kitchen.

"Farrah," Dean called. She didn't respond.

Cas was waiting for her in the study, and he closed the door so that they could talk privately. "Please don't, Cas. I don't need it from you too."

"I was not going to ask about your not eating, I know the reason behind that."

"Really? Why didn't you speak up?" she hissed.

"You are angry."

"No," she sighed. "No, I'm not. I'm sorry, I'm just...just...frustrated. Sorry, Castiel."

He nodded.

"So, why don't I have an appetite?"

"You are accepting your angel and demon parts." If Farrah noticed Cas's slight hesitation before saying demon, she didn't let on. "Practicing with them. Because neither eat, you will not. Or, at least, very little."

She nodded. "Thank you. Now, I know I'm not exactly loved by the angels, but is there someone else I could meet? Just to see if maybe they know who my mom is?"

He nodded. "Yes. My friend, Balthazar."

"Wonderful. Could you take me to him?"

He nodded. "Tomorrow. I have to speak with him first. He has been near to betraying me in the past."

"He sounds wonderful."

Cas left, and Farrah opened back up the door. "Castiel's gone to talk to an angel."

"Thanks for the update," said Dean sarcastically. "The only reason the guy's hanging around is you; we don't need him right now."

She rolled her eyes. "Of couse he's staying for me. I don't want to accidentally kill someone if I have a nightmare. Ooh, by the way, I woke up two days ago and there was a knife at your neck," she said to Sam.

"Why me?"

"I don't know. You were in my dream." She shrugged. "Thought you should know."

"Uh, yeah."


Late that night, Farrah screamed and thrashed around on her bed. Cas, who had just returned, looked toward the stairs and flew to her room. Sam, Dean, and Bobby grabbed their guns and dashed after him.

When the hunters arrived, they found Cas lightly brushing hair from Farrah's face, trying to calm her down. "Farrah."

Her fists flew around and a book hit Bobby in the shoulder.

"Farrah!" shouted Sam, dropping his gun and kneeling beside her to shake her awake roughly when Dean's gun cocked by itself.

"Get away from me!" she screamed as she thrashed against both of their holds. Her hands shot out and threw both Cas and Sam backward into Dean and the wall.

Dean's gun went off, shooting the window. Both the sound of the shot and the glass breaking was enough to finally wake her up, and she fell off her bed in an attempt to scramble away. She squealed and backed against the wall.

"Stay right there," said Bobby, his gun aimed at her.

"I wouldn't, Singer." Everyone turned at the sound of Crowley's voice.

"Why are you here?" asked Cas sharply, moving closer to her.

"Oh, I'm not here to hurt her." He walked forward to stand in the middle of the room. "Not unless you hurt me, which you won't do, will you, sweetheart?"

She stood up and took a deep breath to calm down from her nightmare. "Not unless you threaten me."

"So we have an understanding."

She crossed her arms and glared at him, irritated with herself for showing vulnerability in the presence of this demon. "Then why are your followers trying to kill me?"

"Oh, yes. They don't exactly listen to me. Black markets and all. There's a hefty price on your head."

"How much?" Sam asked.

"A soul. They're giving souls to lesser demons in exchange for hers."

"Well they're not going to get it."

"No, of course not. If you have control, that is. Cassie been teaching you?"

"Yes, and he's doing a great job."

"Mm, with the angel stuff. You need to be educated in demons as well." He held his hand out and Farrah crossed her arms firmly.

"Piss off, Crowley," hissed Dean.

"That's not very nice. I think you ought to let Farrah make her own decisions, Dean."

He pursed his lips and looked at Farrah. "Well?"

She bit her lip and looked around. Hardening her eyes, she dropped her arms. "I'll go, if you swear you won't hurt me or let the other demons hurt me."

"I swear."

She narrowed her eyes at him. She knew she couldn't trust Crowley, but she did want another perspective to learn from.

"Alright. Sam, expect me back in a day."

"Two," said Crowley.

She laid her hand on his outstretched one and they vanished.

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