Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Dean dashed over to the door and ran out to the parking lot. "What the heck?! I parked it right here!"

He frantically started searching, overreacting in Farrah's opinion when he started to hyperventilate. "Dean, Dean, calm down."

"Somebody stole my car!" He leaned forward on his knees to breathe.

"Dean?" Farrah said. He looked up at her. "I, I think I know where it is."

"What? How?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. But I do." A street sign flashed in her mind, one that she'd seen as they passed through town. Behind it sat the Impala, parked alongside the street.

"It's on Jefferson street, across the street from city hall."

"Keys." He straightened up as Farrah tossed the keys at him. "C'mon, Sammy. Farrah, you stay here. See what you can find out about our ghost."

"Yes, Sir."

The boys started to run off, so she turned and went back inside. Who'd moved Dean's car?

First she pulled up newspaper clippings of deaths in the past two months and found that multiple people's breaks had locked up and caused them to crash, and they were all completely different cars. Then a couple-perfectly happy-broke up and they both committed suicide. Most recently there had been an entire family brutally murdered inside their house while the doors were locked the alarm was on.

Farrah narrowed her eyes and considered this with the car going missing. Trickster, perhaps? She picked up her phone and considered calling Sam, but decided he was probably busy getting the car back and dealing with Dean, so didn't. Instead she called the man whose number Sam had left Emily for emergency calls. He'd only left a first name: Bobby.

"Who's this?" a gruff voice answered.

"Uh, is this Bobby?" Farrah asked.

"That depends on who wants to know."

"I'm Farrah, Sam's daughter."

"Which Sam? My Sam?"

"Yes, Sir. I just met him and Dean a couple days ago, and we're hunting something together. Uh, I think it's a trickster, but I don't know for sure. I'm not exactly a professional."

"How old are you?"


"Wow. Okay, tell me what's going on and I'll see what I can find."


Farrah was going through everything with Bobby and following his instructions to different websites and links when Sam and Dean showed back up. "Who's on the phone?" Sam asked.

"Bobby," she replied quietly, because he was talking. Seeing his questioning look, she waved him off with a hasty promise to explain later.

"Looks like you are dealing with a trickster, girl. A strong one at that if it can move a car halfway across town."

"Thanks, Bobby."


He hung up and Farrah looked up at the brothers. "How's the car?"

"Good. Back where it belongs."

"Good. Well I was just on the phone with Bobby, and-"

"How do you have his number?" Dean asked.

"Oh, right. Sam left it as an emergency number for Mom."

Dean glowered at Sam, making Farrah uncomfortable, as she didn't know what the problem was.

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