The Fight in the Midnight Part 4

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"Grow up... Death comes with being a shinobi... There are times when death is hard to accept, but if you don't get over it, there's no future..."

"People become stronger because there are memories that they will not forget."

"My true strength comes from that which was passed down from the First to each generation afterwards... Don't underestimate the Will of Fire!"

-Tsunade Senju-

Story Recap:

The Hokages were poisoned, but some of them (Hashirama, Tobirama, Kakashi and Hiruzen) managed to survive it one way or another. They found out that the culprit behind it was one of Ashura's house's maid. They were now fighting against her and her comrades in  order to find out her motives.


"Oy, guys..." Kakashi called the others. He couldn't believe what he was looking at.

"What is it? We are kind of busy here" Hashirama said with a serious tone. Kakashi held his urge to punch the oh-so-legendary First Hokage. He let out a tired sigh, closing his eyes

"Sorry, Kakashi. I don't even know why we are doing this" Tobirama muttered. Kakashi sighed yet again.

"Uh, sensei... you were the one who said that we need do something until those strangers are done arguing" Hiruzen commented, staring at their supposedly enemies who were fighting among each other, some of them at each others' throats. At first, he thought Hashirama would do something to stop them and get into battle mode already, but that didn't happen. Instead, he told the Hokages to just wait, because the enemies' conversation was somehow funny, and they should let their enemies have some time to be happy before their asses get kicked.

"Do you have a diamond?" Hashirama asked.

Somehow, the Senju siblings ended up playing cards. They  said that was the best thing to kill some time. Don't ask where they got it, though.

"They... how could they sit in those positions fully relaxed and not giving a damn about their surrounding?" Kakashi asked no one in particular, still staring with a strange expression to the Senju siblings. Hiruzen, who didn't participate in the game, just glanced at him for a second, and back to the enemies, observing them.

"Ah!" Hiruzen suddenly said. Kakashi turned his eyes to the brown haired boy and asked what that was about.

"Looks like they are done" Hiruzen smirked. Knowing what that meant, Kakashi quickly took his sword. But before they could tell the other two, they noticed one enemy missing.

'5 people?'


They quickly turned to see the siblings who were still playing cards a moment ago.


The sound of metal hitting another metal and hard thing could be heard. Hiruzen and Kakashi widened their eyes in surprise.

"Don't you guys dare to think you can hit us with that kind of poor and half-hearted surprise attack" Tobirama said. His left hand was wielding a sword, blocking the enemy's attack, and his right hand was still holding the cards. His eyes gleamed a bloody red, very different from a second ago.

"Yeah. Actually, thinking of hitting us with any attack is kind of futile" Hashirama added. Still with the cards in both hands. He used his wood element to block the attack and defend himself.

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