Let's Start, Shall We?

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The Hokages stood side by side, and Ashura was in front of them. They were on a really wide, grassy field, very fitting for a training. The weather couldn't have been better, as the sun light was warm and the cool breeze danced through the air.

"Alright! As we promised, we will help you train!" Hashirama said enthusiastically. Ashura nodded with determination in his eyes.


"...The side mission is... to help that Ashura kid." Hashirama whispered to the others, making sure no one else could hear him. Who knew if there was somebody else there.

"I see... in that way, we can put an eye on him, and at the same be able to somewhat freely do whatever we want" Kakashi thought out loud. The others also thought it was the right idea. Then they decided the way to train Ashura, and how to observe things. And they made it clear that one or two of them will train Ashura for one day, and another two the next day. In that one day, the others who didn't have the turn to train the Ootsutsuki will try to search as many information as possible.

*End of Flashback*

"So... you can choose one or two of us to train you. Choose whoever you want" Hashirama said with a smile, pointing at the others and himself. Ashura seemed to think about it for a while, and nodded to himself. "How about you, and the blond one over there?" he said, pointing at Hashirama and Naruto.

'Wow, Is this just a coincidence? or not..?' Kakashi thought. Hashirama smiled and Naruto grinned. "Alright! We will train you today!" they said in unison. Ashura felt glad he had friends, or at least someone else, who cared for him and happily helped him.

"You choose the best ones" Hiruzen commented, somehow relieved that Ashura didn't choose Tobirama or Tsunade. That would be a little... hard for him.

"Ah! Then... what will you do, guys?" Ashura asked, referring to the others.

"We will observe your training in case two of us are chosen tomorrow. So we will know what's your weakness, what you should improve, something like that" Hiruzen answered smoothly.

'Good one, Saru' Tobirama praised his pupil quietly. He knew that one student of his was really good at making excuses. Well, that wasn't completely a lie. Half of it was true. But maybe they would be more focused on observing another thing. Ashura nodded in agreement, and quickly started his special training with The First and Seventh Hokage.

Tobirama, Hiruzen, Minato, Tsunade and Kakashi went to a big tree not so far from the busy three.

"Let's do it" Minato said. "Yeah".

There, they made a small circle.

"My bunshins are almost done remembering all the places in that house. Well, d*mn. That building is huge. How about yours, Fourth?" Tobirama asked. "Same" Minato responded simply.


"What's the main mission, then?" that one question made the others fell in silence, and turned to see Hashirama who no longer had a relaxed expression.

"Of course... finding the one who brought us here"

"But... how?" No matter how they think about it, no specific name came up that coudk be the culprit of their sudden time-travel.

"There are so many ways. As long as The Sage of The Sixth Paths and Indra Ootsutsuki aren't here, we can easily try to do those ways. Just, well, be careful. And Ashura said they would be back at least a month from now... but who knows? The might be back tomorrow, or even today. But this main mission is a secret. Try to not let it shown to Ashura or the others" Hashirama warned. The others gave several nods.

Hashirama raised his hand, placing it in the middle of their small circle. The others caught its sign, and put their hands on Hashirama's, one by one.

"Alright. This will be the last mission for some of us, and this will most likely happen only once in the whole life time, for all the Hokage to do a mission together. Let's do our best" Hashirama commanded, smiling widely.

*End of Flashback*.

"Since it's still the first day of our training, let's increase your strength, energy, and muscle endurance" Hashirama said. Ashura pouted "Why can't you just train me some Ninshu, so I can quickly surpass my brother" he protested. Hashirama and Naruto made a signature of 'NO' with a shake of their heads.

"Don't underestimate our muscle endurance training, or you will regret it" Naruto said

"Yeah and if you don't have a really good stamina, you will faint in about five minutes on the other trainings." Hashirama added. Ashura gulped, and decided to just do whatever they said. And... he did it. A ton of laps with hand-walking, push-ups, sit-ups, and so on.

Ashura panted, right then he was doing his 205th push-up with hands only. But he couldn't stand it anymore. He fell with a thump, and lied on the ground, breathing in some air.

"Wow... you really are doing your best" Tsunade and the others suddenly appeared

"Yes, he is" Hashirama said, smiling at Ashura who smiled back weakly.

"Here" Minato said, handing a water in a wooden bottle. Ashura murmured a thanks, and took it. Quickly drank all the fresh water in it.

"Where did you get it?" Hashirama asked. And of course Minato said he got it from Ashura's house, without using a Hiraishin. Ashura's training gave more than enough time to go there and go back to the training place.

"So... *pant* what will *pant* we do now?" Ashura asked, giving the empty wood back to Minato. He was sweating like a crazy, and tired. Deep inside, he wished they were done.

"We will have a break for now" Hashirama said as if he could read Ashura's mind. Ashura sighed in relief.

"And we will continue it 20 minutes from now" the bowl-cut boy continued. Ashura hung his head in depression.

"Oh come on... you want to surpass you brother, right? You have to give it your all! No woman likes a guy who is easy to give up!" Tsunade said, looking at Ashura. Ashura just kep silent, and his expression changed, which was realized by everyone.

"My father doesn't even recognize me. And some people look down on me" he said gloomily, rubbing the back of his head. The others felt the atmosphere became tenser. They tried to think about the right words to say to the legend of the future. But before they could say anything, Ashura quickly lightened up.

"That's why I have to be stronger!" he said, grinning.

The others either widened their eyes or had their mouths hung open. They felt inspired by Ashura's sentence. To know that a 13 years old boy could be so cheerful after knowing a tragic fact about what the others thought of him and even be  motivated to be better by that, gave them some sort of positive energy.

All of them smiled.

"Then the break is over!"


I forgot to publish a new chapter last week >< so i'll post twice this week.


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