Chapter 3

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(one day later, at the hospital)

"He slept all night long. Just leave him a bit alone and get yourself a coffee. I'll inform you when he wakes up" the nurse said.

McGee, Abby, Gibbs, Palmer, Ducky and Bishop stood around DiNozzo's bed. "Let's give Tony a rest, he'll need it" Ducky agreed and slowly left the room. Jimmy and Bishop followed him. At last, Gibbs also turned his back to DiNozzo and walked out. "Coffee sounds great" he grumbled.

"What are we doing, McGee?" Abby asked. Her eyes were filled with tears. He pulled his arm around her. "Every second week or once a month I have to visit one I love in the hospital. How long will it go on like that?" She snuffled. "It's part of the job" McGee answered quietly. "Maybe I understand why Ziva didn't come back" Abby added. "It's okay, Abbs, it's okay." They just stood there and hugged each other. "I'm glad you decided to come back, Timmy" she whispered.

Tony's heart beat regularly. His eyes were still closed; a bandage was applied around his head. The nurse brought him something to eat and to drink; she left it on the table next to his bed. Gibbs sat on the chair in the edge of the room, a coffee in his hands, waiting for his longest known agent to finally wake up. The others were in the cafeteria. Gibbs didn't say a thing. He just sat there, watched Tony sleeping and drank his coffee.

"Ziva..." Tony suddenly opened his eyes and took a deep breath. "Morning, DiNozzo, had a nice nap?" Gibbs answered. "Boss...?" "He hit you with his gun. I shot him. Nice to have you back awake, Tony." "I need to do something. It's really important." He tried to sit up, but he got aggressively hugged by Abby who stormed into the room. "DiNozzo! You're awake!" she cheered and Tony laughed. The others entered the room, everyone with a bright smile on the face. "What, did you think I'd die?" He asked. "You didn't open your eyes for nearly two days" Ducky replied, "We're all glad that you're awake."

(An hour later)

"No, you can't go home, Mr. DiNozzo! -No, you listen to me first. You got hit pretty hard on the head. That's more than just a concussion, -no, we have to keep you here a few days!" "But you don't understand! I'm fine! I can go home!" "I'm afraid that you're not the one who decides that, Mr. DiNozzo!"

He stood face to face with the nurse, his teeth were clenched. "Fine" he said and went back to his bed. "They won't let me out!" he told Abby angrily. She sat on the side of his bed, Bert in her arms.

"Sometimes, you need to enjoy being sick. I'm not sick very often, but when I am, I make myself tea and cookies and listen to music really loud. You can't do that here in the hospital, but look, I went home and brought you Bert!" Abby smiled and handed him the stuff-hippo.

"Thanks, Abbs, but... you don't understand why I need to get out of here." "Then explain it to me" she answered. Tony sat down next to her. "I thought... I thought I saw someone. I thought I saw Ziva before I hit the ground. Is ... Is that possible?"

He felt stupid whilst talking. "Oh my god" Abby said. "Sure it might be possible, but tried to find her everywhere in the world. She can't be back since a long time; otherwise I'd have noticed her. Tony, it would be so great if she was back!"

"Abby, I need to find her! I need to see her again. What should I do?" "I say, that you should follow your heart, as you always did. Time has gone by; a lot of things might have changed. Nevertheless you have to stand up for what your heart wants and I can't do more than say that I wish you all the best of luck with that. I truly do. Every one of us wants Ziva back, but no one does like you do. I can't promise that everything is going to be alright, but you just have to try."

Abby picked up her umbrella and stood up. "Good night, Tony."

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