Stay High

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To: Daniel (You know, that guy whom I created and doesn't really exists)
From: Me (The lonely desperate girl)

Dear Daniel,

I've been writing lots of letters to you, yeah? I can't say this would be the last one but it might be. I want it to be because I finally got you off my mind. I found a remedy to heal my heart that was shattered by Darren. My heart was almost fixed but it needed a bit more fixing. You helped in a way. I wrote out everything I bottled up inside of me.

I was lucky I didn't explode like majorly yet. It is so hard to hide my true feelings and reactions from people but in the end I always manage to do so. I keep everything botteled up in me sometimes it threatens to explode. I have explode a few times but that wasn't a big explosion. I hide myself from people when I do.

To forget I'm missing you I did 'stay high' but not by drugs. I kept myself busy with other stuff; games and other people's problems. I would find things that keep me really happy. This song is right, staying high does keep you off my mind and helps me forget that I'm missing you or that you exist.

I'm happy with my progress. Please don't bring back those feelings and crush all my hard work. I'm begging you, let me free from your grasp. I hate living this way. I don't really socialise anymore and I don't need you reminding me of what I cannot have.

Leave me alone. This time I really mean it and although there's a part of me that wants you I'll make sure it goes away. You don't need to worry about me, not that you ever did.

"You're gone and I gotta stay
High all the time
To keep you off my mind
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
High all the time
To keep you off my mind
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Spend my days locked in a haze
Trying to forget you babe
I fall back down
Gotta stay high all my life
To forget I'm missing you
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh"

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