Prologue: The High Ones Decision

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Not many people have the Gall or Wherewithal to attempt to bargain with a God. It's not to say that they're cowardly, but most people would find a Deity... at least somewhat intimidating.

Alice Pendragon was not like most people. As the Administrator gazed down at her, contemplating its reply to her bargaining, she grinned, almost victoriously, like she'd won the moment the Administrator began to consider her offer.

The Administrator chuckled softly, amused by the realization that she was right, of course; despite the Administrator's early rebuttal, stating that there was no bargaining with the System, the mere consideration of the deal meant that there was, in fact, bargaining, even if unsuccessful. This act, proving the Administrator wrong, was all that was needed to therefore win the entire Parlay.

"Fine... you, Alice Pendragon, have successfully Bargained with Death. Enjoy your new life in Vanaheim... and do your best not to die too quickly, this time? I will not reincarnate you a third time with all your memories intact!" The Administrator admonished her sternly, and then snapped its fingers, sending her out of the Higher Dimension that god's and spirits resided in.

"Are you sure it's a wise move, allowing her another life, remembering all that she now knows?" One of the Moderators asked, looking up from its scribing desk.

The Administrator, who had spent almost 4,000 years already dealing with her, sighed. "It seemed so at the time... her powers of persuasion are uncanny, anyway... how many times has she convinced me to reincarnate her, now?"

"Exactly 99 times, Administrator, though this is the first time you've allowed her to keep her memories after more than her 'second life'..." the scribe replied instantly, as was its duty.

The administrator hummed, deeply troubled. "What is the record of the most reincarnated soul?"

"Exactly 99 Reincarnations; Original Designation: Gentas Aurelius Pontificas. Original Class: Merchant Queen. Original Death Cause: Instant Exsanguination due to Destruction of the Heart. Current Designation: Alice Violetta Pendragon. Current Soul: (Ultra Rare) Third Soul (99th). This Soul carries the Blessing of the Monitor, the Blessing of the Moderator, the Blessing of the Administrator, the Blessing of the Warden, the Blessing of the High-Warden, the Blessing of the Marshal, the Blessing of the High-Marshal, and the Blessing of the Grand Marshal. (Summary: Blessings of the High Ones.) Current Class: None. Due to destination of Vanaheim, subject 'Spirit' is unlocked. Designation Alice's Current Spirit: None."

The administrator sighed. "Oh dear... perhaps I have erred... why is her Class Empty? And her Spirit?"

"She has yet to choose; she was reincarnated as a newborn, as is practice. Her Choices will include Merchant, Witch, Farmer, Butcher, Blacksmith, Lady, and the Rare-Classes Paladin, Summoner, or Alchemist, and even the Ultra-Rare Classes Hero, Demon Queen, or Sage... also, with a Third Soul, she'll likely have a Tri-Class, as they generally do, not to mention the Blessings of the High-One's, which she has received throughout her numerous Reincarnations... the moderator would never insult the Administrator, but perhaps sending someone so overtly gifted to Vanaheim was... inadvisable?" The moderator sighed.

"Agreed... her soul is not yet weak enough to enter the Fabric, even after 99 lifetimes?" The High-Warden, (Ruler of this Quadrant of the Higher Dimension, as well as General of the Quadrant's Armies,) appeared without a sound next to the Administrator, looking down at the mirror that showed the human as she was birthed into the world once again.

"No, High-Warden... her soul is far too sturdy, for a human, it has even seemed to get stronger, not weaker, every life... is there a possibility she was originally a Low-Monitor, that was accidentally placed into a human form? Or a Fallen Monitor?" The Administrator asked hesitantly.

The High-Warden hummed thoughtfully, and looked at the mirror again. "Perhaps... well, regardless, this is her last life."

The administrator flinched minutely. "You Can't-!... High-Warden, you can't mean that I should destroy her soul so that it will return to the fabric?"

"Hmm? No, but we do not have a proper way of keeping a soul that has lived 100 lifetimes. When she dies, she will become a Low-Monitor. Problem solved." The High-Warden nodded with a sense of finality, and ordered the Administrator, effectively ensuring that it would be just so.

The Administrator relaxed, but frowned slowly. "I must have the Grand-Marshal's Permission to create a Low-Monitor... and after 100 lifetimes, this soul is already almost a Moderator in Spiritual Strength."

The High-Warden looked back at the mirror, and chuckled softly. "Is that so?... so be it; she will become what she has earned. I look forward to her progress, and I will have the Grand-Marshal's Reply in approximately 20 Units. Try to keep her alive until at least then, hmm?" The High-Warden laughed, then disappeared, allowing the lowly Moderator to relax, letting out the breath it had held reflexively in the presence of such a higher being.

"I suppose that she'll try to talk you out of making her a Moderator as well... you may wish to begin shoring up your mind now." The Moderator chuckled, and the Administrator sighed deeply, rubbing its temples.

"I imagine you are correct..."

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