Chapter 28: Vision•

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May's Pov

Rosa's face had became more pale ever since she mentioned this particular berry, even before, when she returned from the mainland. I can only wonder what she wants with that Berry, and it pains me to see her like this...

She's always been the energy thriving girl who brings the best out of everyone, but lately, ever since she came back, she hasn't even talked to anyone. Not even a wave or anything. All she does is stare at the floor and stay in her own little world.

"Hey Zoey" Rosa responded to the little girl like she was tired "Sorry I haven't been around to visit your dad with you. Want to go now?" The Zoey girl frowned and pulled Rosa's sleeve, looking worried "You don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine" Zoey didn't seem convinced "Graduation is soon and I haven't even gone close to finding that berry. I got the powder and the common berries down to mash, but if I don't find the last ingredient, I won't be able to help Ethan" my eyes widened "I have to help him become better again, I want to help Kris and wake her up" my eyes widened even more horrified. Rosa... What are you doing putting that kind of stress on yourself?!

"Knowing Ethan, he's going to continue failing his classes for the sake of waiting for Kris to wake up and join him in school, but I can't really confirm that. He is a junior after all" Ethan failed a grade so easily that it seemed so off. I knew that was probably the case, but what's Rosa doing that's putting so much pressure onto herself?

"Zoou!" The girl cried, hugging her. Rosa hugged her back.

"Don't worry... I know this plan will work. Graduation is soon, so I'll have to wait until then so I can start traveling and find it myself" I jumped out my hiding spot to face her.

"Just hold on a minute!" She flinched while her friend glared and stood in front of her to protect her "What do you mean you'll start traveling!? You don't even have a Pokémon!" I glared "As far as I know, you refuse to get one because of your Pokémon in the hospital! I won't let you put yourself through such hardship!" I pointed at her "You look like you haven't slept in weeks. Cut it out. This is not your fight and you shouldn't be worrying about Kris. Everyone is working hard to help. Do you not trust the medical field to help?"

"I've been waiting since I was little. There's no way I can depend everything on doctors who aren't even close to helping them" she glared at me, surprising me to see her look at me like that "They don't even know what kind of flower polluted them! I do!" She held her chest "I'm trying everything I can to help everyone!"

"You don't have to put all this stress on yourself! Look at you!" I frowned "You don't even look like yourself anymore..." she looked away "What is it, Rosa? Why are you so motivated to put this on yourself instead of asking people to help you?"

"I did ask people to help me"

"What's this about a Lum Berry that's keeping you from looking at me straight? This isn't you!"

"What do you know about me?! You don't know me! We're not friends!" She bit her lips, pouring tears from her eyes "I don't want to do all this and make someone disappointed in the end. I promised Kris I'll help..."

"How..?" She looked away.

"I know how to wake her up..." I bit my lips "I know how to save my Pokémon. All I need is that berry!" I walked up to her and held her shoulders.

"This is too much! That berry is so rare in this region! Even if you manage to find some, it'll cost you-!"

"I'm willing to do what it takes to help..."

"And what's this have to do with Ethan?" She rubbed her arms, showing the large bruise on her skin "W-What... the..?" She looked into my eyes.

"You may not have known him in the beginning, but I did. He wasn't a bad kid... it's because of Kris" I frowned "I want to help... I don't want him hurting people he doesn't want to hurt. He's just..." I kept my hands on her shoulders and looked down.

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