Chapter 13: Books•

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Serena's Pov

It's been a few weeks since we last heard from Rosa when she ran off from dinner that Friday. She's tried her best to avoid everyone who's been trying to talk to her, and she's really good at it. Even I can't get a hold of her when we have office work at the end of the school day. She was nowhere to be found and only the teachers and adults know where she went off too.

"Any luck?" Calem asked me while we walked the halls when school was over.

"Not at all" I sighed "I feel like I made a big mistake inviting her"

"It wasn't your fault. You know what happened"

"And it shocks me on how she's the only one who can make him go quiet. She's more interesting than I thought" I smirked "I really do like her. I want to help her just as much as Dawn wants to help her!" I lifted my fist in determination "We're going to be her friends whether she likes it or not!" Calem sweat dropped.

"That's not how friendships work"

"But you saw how much fun she was having! She belongs with us! She deserves to have friends!"

"We don't know the source of why she doesn't want friends, you know?" I sighed and looked up to see that we reached the library.

"Rosa comes here a lot... Has anyone tried looking for her here at this time?"

"You're the one that has the last period off" I pulled on his hand and started searching every route in this giant library! It won't be hard to find a easy place to hide in. It's a private school for a reason!

"Forget it, if she's taking the time to hide from us, then maybe we shouldn't meddle until she's ready to talk" Calem said. I ignored him and continued looking around. He pulled his hand back "Serena, let it go for today"

"B-But.." I frowned "Let's just keep looking. I want to see if she's not mad at me" he frowned.

"She's not mad at you. You weren't the cause of her leaving. You know that. You saw that she was having a good time"

"I know... but-" we heard some books falling from the shelves. I jumped into Calem's arms "What was that?" He wrapped his strong arms around my waist and quietly made his way towards the noise. I smiled with a blush on my face, liking to be so close to him like this... my Calem ❤️

We found the source of the sound and ended up seeing Rosa covered in books on the floor "Oh!" I jumped up to help her while Calem put the books back in the high shelves she probably climbed "Are you okay?" I asked her brushing herself off.

"I'm fine" she held her chin to think and got up to walk away. Calem and I looked at each other confused before catching up with her, carefully listening to herself.

"This is so difficult... They don't have nightmares, so that feather won't do any good" she said to herself. Feather? "On the other hand, they're not in pain, so that confirms it. The source of their slumber is not due to that. There must be a medicine that's missing, but I'm sure a hospital would already thought of that" she rubbed her face "I'm losing sleep because of this. I've got to find a way to look into this..." we stopped following her, watching her head to the exit of the library.

"Well, at least we can confirm she's not bothered by what happened at dinner" Calem said.

"That's good to know" Calem looked at the book in his hands "What's that?"

"It's the book that Rosa had in her hands before putting it down. My guess was that she was trying to put it back, but fell" he read the cover "Musharna?"

"She's studying a Pokémon?" I asked. He opened the book and saw something fall from inside. I picked up a bookmark with a very childlike drawing of a Audino, but it was colored in full detail "Hey" he took the bookmark "This is the bookmark Nate was looking for"

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