🧚🏻‍♀️Fairy Hunt🧚🏻‍♀️

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Natsu's POV:
At last, we finally had a visual of the Tenrou tree. A few familiar scents filled my nose as we walked closer to the humongous tree. I caught a whiff of Warren, Jellal, and Wendy. I couldn't pick up a single scent of Levy or Gajeel, however. As we inched closer to the tree, I saw three people standing at the base, shivering.
"Jellal!" Erza cried. She rushed over to Jellal and hugged him tightly. "I'm so glad you're okay."
"I'm so glad you're okay, too." Jellal said, hugging Erza tightly. After a few moments, they broke the hug.
"Can you guys help Juvia? She's injured." Gray said.
"Of course, Mr. Gray," Wendy said, smiling. Jellal, Warren, and Wendy looked over at Lucy and I and gasped.
"What happened to Ms. Lucy?" Wendy asked.
"She's passed out cold." I said.
"Love rival's passed out?" Juvia muttered under her breath and smirked a little. I rolled my eyes.
"She needs help. I don't know what's wrong with her." I said.
"Don't worry," Jellal said. "Warren, Wendy, and I can help her. You guys should go find Levy and Gajeel."
"I can't leave Lucy here!" I said. "She needs me!"
"Natsu, we have to go find Levy and Gajeel. Lucy will be fine." Erza said.
"I can use my healing magic on her. Everything will be okay, Mr. Natsu." Wendy said. I clenched my fists. I can't leave Luce! I can't! I took a deep breath in and realized that it was for the best. I nodded my head and carefully set Lucy down on the snow.
"Alright. I'll go. But promise that if anything goes wrong, you'll contact me right away. Okay?" I said. Warren nodded.
"I promise." He said. "You guys go ahead."
"Jellal, why don't you come with us?" Erza said. "The more help the better."
"Yeah, you should go with them." Warren said. "Wendy and I can handle this."
"You sure?" Jellal asked.
"We've got this, Mr. Jellal." Wendy said. "We'll fix Juvia and Lucy up in no time!"
"Alright," Jellal said. "But if something goes wrong...,"
"I've got ya covered." Warren said, giving Jellal a thumbs up. Jellal smiled.
"Before we go, though," I said. "You guys need a fire. We can't afford to have you guys turning into icicles."
"I did gather some firewood before I came here. Unfortunately, I completely forgot how to make a fire." Jellal said.
"Luckily, you've got a human fire starter right here." I said. Jellal pointed towards a large pile of wood. I took some of the wood, assembled it, and lit the wood on fire.
"Whatever you do, do not let this go out." I said.
"Alright, Mr. Natsu." Wendy replied.
"Now get going! Gajeel and Levy are probably freezing as we speak!" Warren said.
"Right!" I said. "Onward!" I turned around and began to run, but Erza quickly grabbed my arm.
"Halt!" Erza said. "We must formulate a plan first!" I sighed and turned around.
"Plan?" Gray asked. "Nonsense! We just search the island in hopes that we find Gajeel and Levy." I nodded in agreement.
"No! We formulate a plan." Erza said. "I brought a few compasses with me just in case a situation like this happened."
"Why would you need a few compasses?" I asked.
"Even having one is unnecessary." Gray finished.
"Since there are four of us, we should divide and conquer." Erza said, changing the subject. Erza handed Gray, Jellal, and I each a compass.
"Natsu, you can search the north side of the island." Erza instructed. "Gray, you can search the east. Jellal, south. And I will search the west side."
"How will we find our way back to the tree?" I asked.
"Go back the direction you came from, dragon freak!" Gray snapped. I wanted to punch that pervy popsicle right in the-
"Good idea, Erza!" Jellal said. "Let's split up and look for Gajeel and Levy."
"Do you all know where you're going?" Erza asked. I nodded my head.
"As long as I don't bump into this hot head, I'm good." Gray said.
"Same here." I said.
"Alright, you know your missions. Onward!" Erza said. The four of us departed and I used the compass to guide me to the north side of the island.
"Gajeel! Levy! Where are you guys!" I called out continuously. I couldn't smell any signs of Gajeel or Levy. Where could they be? I looked high and low in search for them, but they were nowhere to be seen. After searching for a long time, I reached the ocean and knew that they weren't on the northern part of the island. It looks like they're on some other part of the island. I turned around and continued south towards the Tenrou tree. Oh well. It was worth a shot. Hopefully Gray, Erza, or Jellal finds them.

Gray's POV:
I wonder where they could've gone. The island isn't that big, after all. I used the compass to guide me to the east side of the island. From there, I began to call out to Gajeel and Levy as I thoroughly searched up and down the frozen woodlands. After what seemed like hours of searching, I gave up and decided to return back to the Tenrou tree. As I was walking, I heard a sudden voice in my head.
"Hey, how's it going?" Warren said.
"Their not on the north side. Im on my way back to the Tenrou tree." Natsu said.
"Nothing on the east side, either." I said. "I'm on my way back."
"Jellal? Erza?"
"Completely clear here." Jellal said. "I'm returning to the Tenrou tree now."
"That just leaves Erza on the west side." Natsu said.
"Have you heard anything from her?" Jellal asked.
"Erza, you there?" Warren asked. There was no reply.
"Erza?" I asked.
"Sorry, I'm here. I'm still searching. They have to be here on the west side. Where else would they be?" Erza replied.
"Alright. Gray, Jellal, and Natsu, head over to the west side to help Erza look for Levy and Gajeel." Warren said.
"I'm on my way." Jellal said.
"Same here." I stated.
"Aye sir! First one to find them gets to do whatever they want to the other three!" Natsu challenged.
"Wait, I never agreed to this!" Erza said.
"Is that a challenge, ashbrain?!" I snapped.
"You're on, ice princess!" Natsu said. "I will burn you to ashes!"
"In your dreams, hot head!"
"W-wait!!" Jellal said. "This was not part of the plan!"
"Well, it is now!" Natsu said.
"Warren, what's your take on this?" Jellal asked.
"As long as I'm not part of this, I'm completely fine with it."
"Yeah, where's the popcorn Mr. Warren?" Wendy laughed.
"Fine, but all three of you are gonna get beat to the ground. I am closest, after all." Erza bragged.
"You don't know that!" I said.
"Well, we're about to find out!" Natsu said. "You're on!" The telepathy stopped, and I began to sprint to the west side of the island. I was so eager to win this challenge and show Natsu who's boss. However, this search wasn't going to be as easy as it seemed.

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