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Erza's POV:
I struggled to open my eyes. It was like they were frozen shut. Oh, wait. They were frozen shut. In fact, my entire body was similar to an ice cube. I couldn't move a muscle. After I finally managed to open my eyes, I looked around the snowy terrain. Everything that could be seen for miles was covered with snow. I couldn't believe it. Was the wizard we attempted to fight really this powerful? Powerful enough to make a hot island an ice cube in a matter of seconds? I finally managed to move my hand a little. It was a start, at least. After a few moments of struggling, I finally was able to sit up. I looked around, searching for any wizards. However, I couldn't see anything except for snow and trees. Suddenly, I heard a voice in my head.
"Erza, Jellal, Wendy, Gray, Levy, Gajeel, Lucy, Natsu, Happy! Are you guys alright?" The voice said. It was Warren and his telepathy! I knew it would come in handy!
"This is Jellal," Another voice replied. "I'm okay, but where is everybody?"
"I don't know!" Wendy said. "Everything's covered with snow and ice and I don't know where I am!"
"Erza, Grey, Levy, Gajeel, Lucy, Natsu! Can you hear me?"
"I'm completely fine," Grey said. "I've trained in these types of conditions my whole childhood."
"I'm conscious but I can hardly move," I struggled to say."
"I'm okay," Gajeel said. "But I found Levy and she's not doing so good. She's in really bad condition and I'm trying to help her."
"Alright. At least you guys are alive." Warren said. "Just try to find each other. And make sure to stay as warm as you can!"
"Wait!" I said. "Where's Lucy, Natsu, and Happy?"
"Any word from them?" Jellal asked.
"No." Warren replied. "I have no idea where they are." My eyes widened.
"Aren't they the reasons why we came to this island?" Gajeel asked.
"Yes, and that is why we must find them." Jellal answered.
"Alright. Everybody who can move try to find and help those who can't. Also, be on the lookout for Lucy, Natsu, and Happy. Stay warm! You all know your missions!"
"Okay!" Everyone responded. The telepathy was stopped, and I was left in the middle of a blizzard, thinking of what to do. Then it hit me. My flame empress armor could easily melt this ice and snow!
"Requip!" I requiped into my flame empress armor and completely thawed myself off. I was finally able to stand up and function! It was an amazing feeling! Realizing that my task was to try and find the others, I searched around the terrain, keeping my eyes peeled for any signs of wizards. However, no wizards were to be seen, so I resorted to calling out to my comrades.
"Is anybody out there!?" I shouted, cupping my hands over my mouth to amplify my voice. "This is Erza! Please shout if you can hear me!" No response. This island couldn't possibly be that big! I continued to shout, hoping that I would eventually hear a response. Suddenly, I heard a voice in my head.
"Hey, this is Warren. I've located the Tenrou tree. If all of you can start searching for the Tenrou tree and meet there." Warren said. "Wendy, Jellal, and I are located there. We are willing to help anybody who is injured. You have thirty minutes." Thirty minutes? That's more than enough time to get to the Tenrou tree. Heck! I could get there in ten minutes! I looked around, trying to find the Tenrou tree. Unfortunately, all I could see were snow and trees. I decided to run in a random direction instead of wasting my time predicting where the tree could be. As I was running, I tripped over a rock and landed face first into the snow. I sat up, dusted the snow off my face, and looked around. I saw a random wooden hut and stood up.
"Hello?" I called, walking towards the hut. "Anybody there?" I stuck my head inside of the hut and gasped. "Natsu, Lucy?"  Lucy was curled up in Natsu's arms. They both looked extremely cold, especially Lucy. To test and see if they were conscious or not, I poked their arms extremely hard. Natsu rose awake.
"Huh?" He said. "Who's there?" He looked up at me and squinted.
"E-Erza?" He stammered. "Is that you?"
"Yes, it's me." I said. "You guys okay?"
"Lucy's passed out cold. I don't know how to help her, though."  Natsu replied.
"I know how. Everyone is meeting up at the Tenrou tree. The others can help her." I said. "Do you know where it is?"
"I think I do. I passed by it on the way here," Natsu answered. "I think it's that way." He pointed in the direction I originally came from.
"Alright," I sighed. "Let's go." I exited the hut, and Natsu followed close behind carrying Lucy in his arms. We had been walking for a few minutes when suddenly, Natsu stopped.
"I smell something," he said, lifting his nose to smell the air. "I smell Gray and Juvia."
"Juvia?" I asked.
"Yup. Over that way," he said, pointing to the left. He began walking ahead of me, and I walked behind. I saw a figure walking towards us.
"Gray? Juvia? Is that you?" Natsu called.
"Yeah, it's us flame head!" Gray shouted back. "I need your help." Gray and Juvia were directly in front of us now. Gray was holding Juvia in his arms.
"Julia's legs have gone completely numb," Gray said. "We need your help finding the Tenrou tree."
"Wait a minute." I said. "How did Juvia even get here? We didn't even bring her."
"I didn't want to be at the guild hall by myself, so I decided to rent a boat and come out here on my own." Juvia explained.
"You put yourself in grave danger, Juvia." Gray said. "Never do anything like that again."
"I'm sorry Gray." Juvia said. "But Juvia'll do anything to see her beloved Gray." Gray sighed.
"Do you happen to know how to find the Tenrou tree?" He asked.
"Yes," Natsu said. "Follow us." The five of us set off to find the Tenrou tree. Everyone was in far to weak of a state to continue fighting. We had assumed that the fighting was over, but it had just begun.

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