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Natsu's POV:
"What's wrong, Natsu?" Happy asked.
"Nothing. I'm just not hungry anymore." I looked up at the ceiling, but my view was blocked by Happy's face.
"I know something's wrong Natsu." He said.
"Nothing's wrong! Just go to sleep."
I turned off the lamp and tried to go to sleep.
"It's about Lucy, isn't it?" My eyes widened. How did he...
"I know how you are, Natsu. You looovvvee Lucy." Happy teased, rolling his tongue. I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"You can't hide it forever. We all know that you're concerned about this."
"Exactly." A voice agreed. Startled, Happy and I looked over to where the sound came from. A figure emerged from the shadows. Happy and I sighed with relief once we realized it was only Erza.
"Oh, oi Erza!" I said. "Whatcha doing? I thought you were asleep."
"I couldn't sleep when the two of you were causing so much ruckus!"
"But it's not even nine yet."
"It's 9:01, Natsu."
"What's one minute to ya?"
"Never mind that. Tell us what's going on in that brain of yours." I sighed and sat up.
"How come I can't hide a single thing from you guys!?"
"Happy and I have known you since you were a small kid. What do you expect?"
I sighed rested my head back on the pillow I had been laying on.
"You have done pretty well hiding you're feelings for the past few weeks," Erza explained. "But under that smile of yours, I could tell that you were worried about Lucy the entire time. It's okay, Natsu. We'll all help you and Lucy, because we all know that it's bothering you. It will work out. Give it some time, though."
"But I don't have much time. I have less than one week left here, then I'm left without a place to stay." I cried.
"Are you really basing this off of the time limit Erza gave you?" Happy asked. Erza smiled.
"For the sake of you and Lucy, I'll extend your stay to however long you need. But you better make it quick!" Erza insisted. She got up and headed back to her room.
"I suggest you start building as soon as you can," were Ezra's final words before she disappeared into her bedroom once again. Happy crawled onto a rocking chair next to the couch and began to get comfortable.
"Natsu," Happy said.
"Yes, Happy?" I asked.
"Erza and I will always have your back. Remember that." Happy said. And with that, he fell fast asleep, and I did the same.

Lucy's POV:
-Next Morning-
Today officially marks three weeks before I get my casts removed. Though I'm still not able to use magic until a month after that, I'm just excited to get these uncomfortable things off! They're not making my life any easier right now.
As soon as I had finished struggling to get out of bed, I hopped down the stairs and made a quick breakfast, trying my best not to use my left wrist or leg that much. The more they heal, the faster I can get these uncomfortable casts off. After eating my breakfast, I sat down on the couch and began to read for awhile. It felt weird not going to the guild today. Even though I remember being with the guild only once, I felt like it was routine to get up and go to the guild. Not for another two months, Lucy, I said to myself. Suddenly, a letter slipped in through the mail slot. Wondering what it was, I got up, hopped over to it, and picked it up. My name was written on the front in bold letters. I opened up the letter and began to read.
Dear Lucy,
This is Natsu Dragneel, your teammate at Fairy Tail. Just here to let you know that all of Fairy Tail wants you to feel better soon. Though it has only been one day since you were here, we all miss you very much. Oh, and by the way, I wanted to ask you something. When you get you're casts removed, would you like to go on a training mission with Happy and I?I want to help you as much as I can. Please reply as soon as possible!
-Natsu Dragneel
I placed the letter on the table and thought for a moment. Training, huh? For the past few weeks, all I have done was get weaker and weaker. Training sounds like something that would be good for me. Plus, I get to learn more about my teammates. If I go to this training, I would be killing two birds with one stone.
Since he said to reply back as soon as possible, I picked up a sheet of paper and a pen and began writing out, 'Dear Natsu...,'

Natsu's POV:
                           -An Hour Before-
I woke up strangely early this morning. Erza and Happy were sound asleep when I awoke, which was really weird. Erza was usually the morning bird around here. Wondering what to do, I thought for a moment. Then I remembered what Erza had said the night before.
"I suggest you start building as soon as you can." Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in my brain. In order to build up relationships, you must spend time together! I thought up a plan that would allow Lucy and I to spend quality time together, and what a good plan it was, indeed! As soon as I figured out what I was going to do, I went into the kitchen and began writing a letter to Lucy about my plan, praying that she would reply and approve of it. As soon as I finished writing the letter, I wrote Lucy's name on the front and tucked It away. Suddenly, I heard a noise coming from the living room.
"Natsu, what are you doing up so early?" Happy asked, walking into the kitchen.
"Couldn't sleep, so I came in here for a few."
"Oh," Happy said. "Is Erza awake? I'm hungry."
"Yea," A voice said from the living room. Erza walked into the kitchen and began to prep breakfast.
"Morning, Erza." I said, smiling.
"You're oddly awake. How long have you been up?" She asked.
"About thirty minutes. I couldn't sleep."
"I hope you spent those thirty minutes planning out the rebuilding process." Erza cocked an eyebrow at me. I smiled and nodded.
"Good job. I hope that plan of yours works." She said, patting my head.
After we finished our breakfast, we headed out to the guild. The plan was a go!
As we approached Lucy's house, I took out the letter I wrote and looked over it one more time before casually slipping it inside the mail slot. As I returned to Happy and Erza, who were standing out in the street waiting for me, Erza smiled and gave me a thumbs up.
I pray that this works out, I said to myself. If it doesn't, then I don't know what I'll do.

Hey, Nalu shippers! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did, please vote and leave comments! More to come, so stay tuned!

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