Chapter 1

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"Supergirl! There is a unkown ship about to crashland near National City find a way to slow it down." Alex ordered Kara through the comms. "I see it, heading there!" She replied following her orders. Once she caught up, she went to the ship's nose and pushed back slowing down the trajectory of the unkown ship. After a  few minutes of slowing it down, she feels the ground as she created a small impact crater. Opening the ship's cabin, Supergirl noticed not only the attire the pilot was wearing but a tail?  Looking at the ship's systems, she saw that the ship was set on autopilot. "Supergirl report." Alex said to her as she went to see the occupant. "It looks like a male in his 20's and the thi-" Supergirl explained before a hand grabbed her face and threw her off to the side." "Supergirl what's happening?" "If it came out of a Kryptonian ship, their powers they get from the yellow sun shouldn'y effect them yet and he's just to strong!" Supergirl answered as she avoided a few hits.

"Okay I need a strike team on the double, 'Brainy' I need you to monitor the fight and keep me informed!" "You got it Alex and I'll try to find out where that person came from." Brainiac responds as a few DEO agents left to suit up. An hour later the Strike Team arrived only to see Supergirl on the ground and Alex ordered an Evac as they did cover fire at the alien as they dragged Kara out of the battlefield. The alien flew off in retreat so that it could treat its wounds. Supergirl was given an oxygen mask as she struggled to breath and before passing out, she said. "G-get Ba-Barry a-and hi-his team." Alex understood her message and once arriving she gets Brainiac to continue monitoring the alien as she went her locker inside the lockers where she grabs the 'Extrapolator' and presses the button.

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