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"All right. We have a plan. Six stones, three teams, one shot. Five years ago, we lost. All of us." Nikki's mind drifted off to Peter. "We lost friends... We lost family... We lost a part of ourselves. Today, we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams, you know your missions. Get the stones, get them back. One round trip each. No mistakes. No do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know. But it doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're gonna win." Steve's eyes reached Nikki's. "Whatever it takes. Good luck."

"He's pretty good at that." Rocket said.

"Right?" Scott agreed.

"All right. You heard the man. Stroke those keys, jelly green." Tony yelled at Bruce as everyone went into position.

Nikki anxiously stood at the podium as Bruce went back to his position. This was it. They were going to save everyone.

The machine opened up, making Nikki more anxious than before. "See you in a minute." Natasha grinned as everyone flipped on their helmets. In an instant, the quantum realm sucked them all down.

"All right, we all have our assignments. Two stones uptown, one stone, down. Stay low. Keep an
eye on the clock." Steve mumbled, looking around. A loud roar was heard from another side as the Hulk suddenly flew in, smashing a car unto the ground. Nikki looked in surprise as as it continuously jumped on the car and let out another loud roar as it went to a different location. Nikki trailed her eyes on Banner, who just covered his eyes in embarrassment.

"Feel free to smash if things don't go your way." Steve told Bruce. "I think it's gratuitous, but whatever. I'd be careful going that way." Bruce pointed out, ripping his shirt off as he pathetically threw a car. He feigned a roar as he smashed things, imitating the Hulk. Nikki sighed as looked towards her dad. "So what's the plan?"


"Got to hustle, Cap. Things look like they're just about wrapped up here." Tony spoke from the building he and Nikki were waiting in. The two of them started to fly towards the building, not making nay noise. They didn't needed to be seen. Nikki immediately switched her suit off so that she could see what Tony was doing.

"If it's all the same to you... I'll have that drink now." Loki spoke out from the group. Nikki watched as the door coming from the inside suddenly opened up, revealing her eleven year old self. "Dad!" she screamed, jumping up to Tony's arms. "Are you okay?" she asked, looking over at Tony. "Yeah." he mumbled.

"All right. Good one. No standing around, I'm closing up this door for later. By the way, feel
free to clean up." Tony mumbled, walking towards the past version of Nikki. "See that ugly green guy?" The younger Nikki looked towards the Hulk. "No not him. Him." Tony pointed to Loki. "If you keep on taking my cheeseburgers, that'll happen to you." he mumbled, walking Nikki down.

"Great parenting, dad." Nikki whispered to Tony, who was preoccupied. "Ugh, Mr. Rogers. I almost
forgot that that suit did nothing for your ass." Tony commented, staring at Steve's butt. "No one asked you to look." Steve sighed from the intercom.

"I think you look great, Cap. As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass." Scott spoke from the side. Nikki sighed as she looked over at the small body of Scott.

"Who are these guys?" Scott asked as he saw the Hydra agents take the wand from Natasha, who handed it over to them. "They are SHIELD... Well, actually Hydra. But, we didn't know that yet." Tony replied, still looking over at the scene. "Seriously, you didn't? I mean... they look like bad guys." Scott commented.

"You're small, but you're talking loud." Nikki hushed from the side. When the view of the stone came to place, Tony looked over at Scott. "All right, you're up, little buddy. There's our stone." he mumbled.

"Alright. Flick me." Scott said confidently holding his butt up. Tony flicked Scott so that he'd land into the case as it was shut down. Nikki quickly jumped out of the building, making the suit wrap around her body as she followed her dad who flied around to spy on the scepter.

"All right, Cap. I got our scepter in the elevator just passing the 80th floor." Tony spoke out. "On it. Head to the lobby."

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