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"Bye, Morgan." Nikki stated, giving her younger sister a kiss on the forehead. The child looked at her older sister in dismay, tears threatening to spill out from her eyes. "Why do you need to go with daddy?" she asked, not knowing infact why. She looked up to her dad as a hero, and with a mind like that, Morgan knew that no matter what, Tony would make it out safe.

"Because, dad needs a bodyguard." Nikki stated out in the simplest sentence she could say. Nonetheless, Morgan was still confused. You see, she wasn't like other children her age, Morgan was brilliant and very smart. "But you told me Uncle Steve is strong? And Auntie Natasha?" she questioned, wanting her sister to stay with her and not leave.

"You see, Morgan. I'm quite.. powerful. And dad, he needs all the help he could get. When I go back home, you may have a chance of meeting Peter. I will introduce him to you, and I am sure he will love you." Nikki smiled, putting a hand on her sisters forehead. She watched as a car rolled out infront of her, making her look at her younger sister one last time. "Bye Morgan, I love you." she called out, before entering the car. She had already said her goodbye's to Pepper, which also took a lot of time. Pepper was reluctant to let Nikki go with Tony, but she realised that she can trust her, and her safe arrival.

The ride back at the compound was quite lengthy, since Tony had positioned their home far away from the compound and in the middle of the woods. When they had arrived, however, Tony drove his car around in full speed making another person stare at them.

"You're really extra, dad. Did you know that?" Nikki laughed and went out of the car. Tony went out of the car too, before noticing the facial expression Steve held in his face. Tony followed Nikki's lead on leaving the car and looked at Steve smugly. "Why the long face?"

Steve was about to reply before Tony had interrupted him. "Let me guess. He turned into a baby." based by the disappointed expression that was plastered on his face, Tony assumed what he had said was correct. 

"Among other things, yeah. What are the two of you doing here?" Steve quickly changed the subject, not wanting to be reminded of their failure back at the compound.

 "That's the EPR paradox. Instead of pushing Lang through time, you might've wound up pushing time through Lang. It's tricky. Dangerous. Somebody coulda cautioned you against it." Nikki stated. Tony looked at his daughter in amazement as she had said all of this. "I guess you've been doing some research, huh?" he questioned. Nikki gave him a quick smile before looking back at Steve.

"He did," Steve mentioned to Tony. Tony looked up at Steve in fake bewilderment. "Oh did I?" he put his hand to his chest. "Thank god, I'm here." Tony started to laugh. "Regardless, I fixed it." he stated, taking out the device him and Nikki had spent a long time making. "A fully functioning time-space GPS." Steve examined the little device that Tony held in his hand. Was this it? Was this the chance to bring everyone they had lost back?

"I just want peace." Tony spoke out, holding out a peace sign. "Turns out, resentment is corrosive, and I hate it."

"Me too," Steve agreed, still staring at the device. We got a shot at getting these stones, but I gotta tell you my priority is to bring back what we lost?" Tony paused for a moment, his mind drifting off to Peter. "I hope, yes. Keep what I found? I have to, at all costs." Nikki started to smile, remembering the sister she had gotten back home who was waiting for her. 

"And maybe not die trying will be nice." Nikki smiled, making her way towards the trunk of the car and taking the shield that had a giant star on it, removing the cloth that Tony had used to keep it safe. She held the shield for a moment, before handing it to Steve.

"Tony, I don't know.." Steve trailed off, looking the shield that Tony had told him that he had no right to own, since his father had made that for him. And now he was returning it?

"Why? He made it for you." Tony persisted, motioning to the shield. Plus, honestly I have to get it out the garage before Morgan takes it sledding." Tony shrugged.

"Will you keep that a little quietly? Didn't bring one for the whole team." 


"I'm back, bitches!"

Tony shot a look towards his daughter's direction, not approving of the use of the curse word. Nikki shrugged and started walking towards where there were several machineries. A giant creature creature stood near one of the giant machines, and Nikki started to back away, knowing how violent the Hulk could get. Well, she kind of learned that the hard way back in 2014.

Hulk- or so she thought was turned around, giving a glance towards her direction. "Bruce?" Nikki asked, walking towards him. Bruce Banner smiled, walking towards the smaller girl, and giving her a hug. "What? How-" she motioned towards Bruce's body. "It's a long story." Bruce smiled, looking down at himself.

"I need to go to Thor's and try to recruit him. I'll explain to you later." he smiled, making his way outside. Nikki furrowed her eyebrows, before looking at Banner. "Wait. Can I come?" she questioned. There wasn't really that much things she could do at the compound, and she did want to see Thor's mental state. She knew that he must have been going through some things after what had happened with Thanos.

"Uhm, sure." he stated. "But follow me, you need to ask Rocket. It's his ship anyways." Banner stated, holding his bag of Tacos. As they went outside, there was a ship waiting for them.

With Banner beside her, Nikki made her way towards the ship before stopping when a raccoon was in there. Nikki assumed that that was the "Rocket" Banner was talking about.

"Hey, Nikki was asking if she could come." Banner stated, looking down at the raccoon that was underneath him. "I remember ya'" he stated, eyeing her up and down. "You're the girl who rose from the dead."

"Um, yeah." Nikki stated uncomfortably.

"Sure. Let's go." he instructed, leading them to the ship. 

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