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Nikki entered the room, carrying a microphone she had found on her way inside and the chinese food on her other hand. She noticed that everyone was asleep, which confused her since she and Tony were gone for roughly two hours, since they stopped over at Morgan's and Pepper for a moment.

Nikki sighed, taking the microphone and adjusting it into full volume.

"RISE AND SHINE, PEOPLE! GET YOUR FAT ASSES UP!" she exclaimed. Everyone who was once asleep sprung up, holding their heads as they felt a very painful headache coming unto them. Tony smiled at his daughter, a very proud expression plastered onto his face as he rubbed her hair in adoration. "That's my girl." he mumbled, placing the chinese food down on the circular table that stood steady in the middle of the room. Everyone held their heads as Nikki handed out their orders, with Scott sighing. "Was that really necessary?" he questioned in a sarcastic tone.

Soon, everyone was wide awake.  

"Quill said he stole the Power Stone from Morag." Rocket said, spring rolls in hand. Scott examined the raccoon, confusion covering his features as he really didn't know what was going on. "Is that a person?" he questioned, unsure.

Rocket turned to face the human. "Morag's a planet. Quill was a person."

"Like a planet? Like in outer space?" Scott asked excitedly. Nikki let out a soft laugh, finding it funny how Scott was so excited about such a little thing. She once was, too. But once she went up there, Nikki realized that space was full of bullshit. Teachers in school we're full of bullshit. Space sucked for her.

"Oh, look. It's like a little puppy, all happy and everything." The raccoon chuckled. He began to pat Scott's head like he was some sort of dog, having fun messing with the man. "Do you wanna go to space? You wanna go to space, puppy? I'll take you to space." he cooed. Nikki found this quite ironic, since, well, Rocket was the real animal out of them.


"Thanos found the Soul Stone on Vormir." Nebula stated, walking over at the rest of them. "What is Vormir?" Thor asked, putting his chin up to listen at the conversation they were having. "A dominion of death, at the very center of Celestial existence." Nebula sighed. "It's where... Thanos murdered my sister." she stated, the bad memories flushing into her eyes again. It was painful. "Noted." Nikki stated, walking over to where Natasha, Bruce and Clint were in.

"That Time Stone guy..." she heard Natasha mumble as she entered the lab. Nikki made her way to one of the chairs, looking at all of the files that were sprawled upon the desk.

"Doctor Strange." Nikki interjected. The three of them stared at Nikki for a brief moment, greeted her and went to lay down on the table again. "Yeah, what kind of doctor was he?"

He's an asshole doctor, that's who he is. Nikki thought to herself.

"Neurostuff meets rabbit from a hat. Nice place in the village, though." Bruce smiled.

"Yeah. Sullivan Street."

"Hmm... Bleecker."

"Wait, he lived in New York?" Nikki asked, confused about this new information she was just receiving.

"No. He lived in Toronto."

"Yeah, not Bleecker. It's Sullivan."

"So wait.. if you pick the right year, there are three stones in New York!" Nikki exclaimed, jumping on one of the tables. Bruce eyes her for a moment. "A bit overdramatic, Nikki. But yes." he mumbled.


"Alright, we have a plan." Nikki walked in with Tony. It had been a day after they discovered where and when to track all of the stones, and Nikki and Tony had been up almost all night fixing up more suits for the rest of them so that they could all travel.

"We have six stones. Three teams, one shot." Nikki started, as the T.V opened showing 3D pictures of the stones, and each of their faces upon them. "You all know your teams. "Tony, Steve, Scott and I will get the Space and Mind stones. Bruce counts as two people, so he'll get the time stone. James and Nebula will be heading to Morag in 2013. Thor and Rocket will be handling the soul stone in Asgard. We only have one chance, don't screw this up." Nikki said intensely as she looked upon the rest of them.

Steve looked at the girl who was a few inches smaller than her. Nikki was a great leader. It was evident.

"Dad and I redesigned the suits last night . It's ready to go. You all better sleep tight, since we are going to have a long day tomorrow." she stated, turning off the T.V before she heard a loud slurp coming from the back of the room. Nikki shot her eyes towards the source of the noice only to see Thor opening another bottle of beer.

Nikki sighed, taking her hand out as her eyes glowed red once again, and threw the bottle of beer into the wall, making the bottle smash into pieces. "No drinking." she said seriously, walking out of the room.

Steve sighed, looking as the girl left, before putting his attention on Tony. "She's really taking this seriously, isn't she?" he mumbled as he looked at the T.V where the security cameras showed footage from around the house. Nikki was with some machines, tinkering with them and checking if they were okay.

"She lost someone, someone she loved." Tony mumbled.

disclaimer: i do not know who said who in the dialogues! they might be all wrong!
i'm also rethinking about the ending since you all don't seem to like what i have in mind lmao

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