Chapter 11

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Alice blinked and opened her eyes. 

Light blue, a soft calming colour, dotted with white, was the first thing she saw. The sun was very bright, and Alice squinted. Her head was banging, and she laid a hand on it delicately.

A light breeze swept her hair over her face, tucked it behind her ears and attempted to sit up. Bad idea. Her vision blurred, and she was forced to lay down again. Alice sighed and and, with an effort, turned her head sideways. 

Fresh, green grass covered in morning dew.

Alice turned her head to the right, to see the bottom of a tree trunk, and a small path. She turned her head up, to see the rest of the tree. Something clicked, and Alice's memory came flooding back.

"My tree" she said softly. It looked truly magnificent, the sun shining through it's leaved. Alice closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them again.

"Shane!" she whispered under her breath. She tried to sit up again, but failed. Alice gritted her teeth, and with a tremendous effort, sat upright. Her backside was wet from the grass and her head felt like it was about to explode, but otherwise, she was okay.

Alice put her head to her knees for a few minutes for a few minute until the pain in her forehead eased. Then, she hoisted herself up at a standing position. She leaned against her old tree, took another deep breath and looked around at her surroundings. 

The park looked deserted, and Alice wondered what day it was. She felt around in her jean pocket and, to her surprise, pulled out her mobile phone. She turned it on, and checked the time and date. 

The twenty seventh of June, twelve O' clock.

That's the day I left mom's, Alice thought, rubbing her forehead.

Does that mean everything about Shane was a dream? she asked herself.

Alice blinked back tears, and sunk to the wet ground. 

 After a few minutes Alice calmed down, stood up and looked up at the tree. Up high, she could vaguely make out a bag hanging from one of the branches.

"My duffel bag!" she breathed. Alice hoisted herself up onto one of the lowest branched. Slowly, but surely, she made her way up the tree and grabbed the heavy duffel bag.

She slung it over her shoulder and climbed back down from the tree. When she reached the ground, she laid down the duffel bag and began rooting through it. She found a granola bar, and ate it, although it took a while for her to get it down her throat. Her wallet, thankfully, was still there, along with her laptop, which was unharmed.

She turned it on. The internet wasn't great but it would have to do. She opened up Google, took a deep breath and searched Shane Dawson. She clicked enter and bit her lip nervously.

After a moment, the page flooded with videos. Alice sighed with relief, weight lifting off her shoulders. She read his Wikipedia, checking if anything was different.

She reached the bottom of the page and exhaled. Everything seemed normal, so she shut off the laptop and shoved it back in the bag. She tossed the bag over her shoulder and walked down the path.

Alice's head was still throbbing and she had no idea where she was going to go. She reached the entrance of the field and walked through the park gates. She strolled down the street, the opposite direction of her mother's house. The last thing she wanted to do was bump into her.

The sun was shining brightly, the sky was blue and the sounds of birds singing filled the air. Alice sighed and tried to clear her mind of worry, rubbing her tired shoulders every so often.

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