Chapter 31

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*present time*

I see the way his lips and cheeks twitch every so often. I know he's mentally laughing at me. Yea, why did I say I didn't care again?

Oh right cause this is the new me. New and improved.

I heard a click of a door and a chime and saw a women walk in. My mother.

I just sat back and the guard finally granted me with a look saying "your screwed".

I rolled my eyes, cocked one eyebrow, and snapped my head to the side slightly.

He took out a golden key and twisted the lock to let me go and to unhook my handcuffs. When he did my wrists felt so free but had red marks from the metal scraping my skin.

I postured myself and strutted out behind my mother in my dark heals until we reached the car.

I opened the fore and casually leaned back in my seat. I saw My mother glance at me to examine the girl next to her.

"You want to explain to me why you skipped school?" She said quietly but firmly. I knew she would be upset. I was way too tired to get into a massive argument with her.

"Can we talk about this later?" I whined trying to switch the radio station. She smacked my hand away and turned off the music.

"No we may not "talk about it later" because we are talking about it now. I don't even recognize you! First you changed your hair, then your clothes and now you are skipping school!" She listed, her eyes frantically searching for an answer as to why I was doing this to her. I was not doing anything to her.

"I have the right to dress and act however I want. It's my life. I can screw it up if I want too, not that it even needs me too, it already is." I remarked raising my voice.

"Who are you? I don't know what's happened in the past few days that's made you act like someone your not."

"All I've done is make myself noticeable. I don't want to hide behind closed doors anymore."

"Are you oblivious to your words? To what you are saying?" She skimmed down me with a look of disgust.

"If you don't like how I look, then look away."

"Cameron, whats wrong?" She said, her voice cracking slightly. "This isn't you."

We pulled into the driveway of our house. "Maybe this is the real me, did you ever think about that?" I opened and slammed the car door to walk inside up to my room. I locked the door so she couldn't come in. I wiped away the tears from my eyes.

I plugged in my headphones to drown into the music. There was nothing else I could do. I clicked on the song "Don't" from Ed Sheeran and started thinking about what I could do. On Instagram I saw posts about a bonfire going on tonight at 11.

"Kindlet Woods. 11pm. All Welcome." The post read. A bonfire sounded great. Especially after a long night like this. It wasn't for a few hours so I made myself busy until 10.

My curls were bigger and bolder when i curled them and pinned one back. I playfully twirled the tips and strands of my hair. I was still adjusting to their new color. I grabbed a tight purple dress from my closet. It hugged my knees and fit perfectly into the curves I didn't realize I had. I applied a thick coat of eyeliner and put two swipes of mascara to make my face look bold. I touched it off with shiny gloss and black wedges.

I assumed my mom had went to sleep, seeing as I hadn't heard from her in a few hours. I opened the door a creek and saw she was sitting on the bed in her room watching TV. She would surely see if I went down the stairs.

The window it is, I shrugged and braced myself for the cool breeze that flowed over me as I opened the window.

Thank god the gardeners always miss this side of the house. I was climbing down branch by branch clinging onto them for life. How was I going to do this when I came back?

Near the end, the branch I clinging onto snapped and I fell on my butt. I winced at the pain but ignored it. I had worse things to worry about tonight. 

Then You CameTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon