Chapter 11

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We were walking to starbucks then returning to school for lunch and other classes.

"So you know my name but what's yours?" She said, sipping her Carmel frap.

"Cameron, your orders ready!" The Bartista shouted. I plopped up from the couch chair and took my drink. When I came back, she had a mischievous grin.

"I'm gonna take a small guess and say it's Cameron."

I nodded and couldn't stop myself: I laughed.

Studying her features, I noticed she had green eyes. My own were blue.

We talked for an hour about everything. By the end I couldn't tell if she was like those popular stuck up people.

She seemed pretty cool and was really chill. She had a lot of things in common with me I realized.

We walked back to school and walked to the cafeteria for lunch. I had decided that she probably wasn't as bad as I thought.

We were about to sit down when Lauren and her followers walked up to us.

"Hey Bella!" They said to her then turned to me. "Hey wannabe freak. So Bella, I know this loser had given you a tour but we'd be happy to give you a social tour. We'd like to add you in our group and we don't just let anyone in. Everyone begs to be our friend and soon you could have guys begging for you and girls desperate to be your friend. Plus social status and amazing wardrobe."

Uh oh. Maybe I was wrong about Bella. Of course I was wrong. Every since jake became my friend i had let my guard down to be open to other people being a nice friend.

I was about to turn around and find jake when, "Thanks but I think I'd rather pick my own friends." Bella stated and shrugged.

Was I hearing correctly? Maybe Bella wasn't so bad after all.

"No one turns us down!" Lauren raised her voice.

"I believe I just did." She grinned and laughed. "And this loser-" she said pointing to me,"is my friend."

"You're gonna wish you said yes. Soon you will be begging to hang with us." Lauren shouted and spun around.

A crowd had circled around us, mouths down to the floor in shock. They looked like a war had gone on in front of their eyes and the winner wasn't Lauren.

"So Idk bout you but I'm hungry." Bella stated and sat down. Everyone was silent as they went to their tables to gossip.

"Wow that was totally awesome what you did." I commented.

"Oh it's fine. If people are fake then so is the friendship."

Jake joined us and sat next to me.

"Hi I'm jake." He said nodding at Bella.

"Bella." She laughed.

When we told him what happened 5 minutes earlier his jaw probably hinged off and fell in shock.

We talked all of lunch the three of us and after Bella made plans to come over.


We walked to my house. Bella had revived a lot of attention at school. And I mean A LOT. It was like she was a guy magnet.

Ok, not that strong. But still.

"So do you guys hangout with anyone else?" She asked.

She flipped her brunette wavy hair forward and back to tie it up in a sleek ponytail.

I shook my head. "I don't like the whole friend thing." And I explained my methods why to her.

I kicked at the sidewalk. It didn't change, was strong at before. I wish I was like that. No matter how hard you hit it won't break.

We watched a movie. "Beautiful creatures" to be exact.

She glanced over at me. We had finished the movie and were talking in my room. She was perched on top of the bench where the window is. She sat criss crossed. Her hair was flowing loosely now.

"Hey Cam. It's-" she stopped and noticed Bella. "Hi! I'm Cameron's mom, Stacey." She extended her hand.

Bella shook it and said, "I'm Bella. Her new friend."

My mom turned to me In complete shock.

"Well I'll be downstairs if you girls need anything."

"K" we both said in unison.

Nothing really happened after that. Jake scared the life outta her when he yelled from his room. Everything was actually going good. Well almost. I hated that he was still with Lauren. But I think I'm starting to figure out why.

And it terrified me.

Hey guys! Sorry for the few days of no update!😁😁 I wanted to find a good place to stop or else I would've kept writing FOREVER!😂😂

Your comments make my day❤️ literally😂 so please vote and comment or tell people😊 I hope I get 500 views by saturday💕😭 that would be like a dream!

Thanks, Callie💗

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