14 ⇻ a damned trunk

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The last few days of the week went the same as the week before, except instead of Dawn being the only one avoiding me, it was mutual. None of our housemates noticed what was happening. They were all busy studying for midterms again and finishing class projects.

Avoiding each other was surprisingly easy, especially with the family dinners at the mansion. Sometimes, if I had a late class, I'd stay there, too–which, I knew was sort of counterproductive to why I moved out, but I was confused by what happened with Dawn and how it applied to me. That vision thing also confused me and I didn't know who to talk to about it. Who to ask.

I debated going to Mona, but she knew too much and it unnerved me that she knew more about me than I did. It felt like there had been a sort of power dampener placed on me because there were more moments that felt like I was being pulled into memories.

When Bellamy was talking about the cat he tried to save on campus.

When Jason was recounting a family trip where Mona nearly turned an annoying priest into a pig.

When Dom told them about the embarrassing fart he didn't mean to release during his final.

That one had me burning with second hand embarrassment.

Every single memory felt like I was there; I could smell what they smelled, saw what they saw, felt what they felt. Like I was literally placed into their shoes. It was getting too much to be around anyone because with every story they told and the more detail they told it with, the more I was pulled in.

And it frightened me.

More than any of the other powers did. And it made me worry that the reality thing I could do meant more than what Lucifer said when I first told him–that it wasn't just a side effect of getting revived.

By the weekend, I had to cancel with Mark and John because it was just getting too much. I needed time to myself. Neither brother seemed worried about it.

MARK: that's cool. we can raincheck and then i can let you know ALL about my date!

JOHN: damn it

SUMMER: sounds good lol

JOHN: but are you coming to dinner tho

I chewed on my lip, glancing down the road to see if the bus was on its way. Could I handle the guys tonight? Honestly, when I hung out with them during dinner, none of their stories seemed to pull me into anything, so I was definitely safe around them.

But I just really wanted to be alone today.

SUMMER: i'll let you know later

JOHN: okay

The bus finally turned down the street and I pulled out my bus pass from my pocket, sliding my phone into my backpack before getting off of the bus bench and falling in line behind several other people.

Staying in the town was a little overwhelming. I wanted to go somewhere quieter, somewhere I could truly be alone and unbothered with no one around. So I found myself at the park, by the abandoned playground a little way out of the main park.

I wasn't sure why I went straight there, but as soon as I stepped off the bus, it was like my feet took over and I was walking down a path hidden by a rose bush. There was a space between it and a tree that allowed one person to slide through. The route looked like it had been abandoned, stacks of leaves piled every few feet, but there were still marks of someone who had gone this way a while before. A long while before.

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