18 ⇻ a damned target

34 5 14

tbh, this is mostly filler and me trying to get words for nano heh. i am also a big target fan so

There were several things that annoyed me about the brothers.

    Firstly, since they were brothers, they seemed to have their own secret language. No matter the different genes, different schools, and different interests, they somehow got each other without speaking a single word. Without uttering a single sound.

    It was something I always envied growing up an only child.

    Secondly, no matter which brother you spoke to, they always always always refused to do things the regular way–regular as in without the magic or the shortcuts, unless it was slightly wild or dangerous.

    Adding onto that point–thirdly, they seemed to have a death wish. I guess it came with being one of the few spawns of the Devil, but still. I understood that there were some special benefits to not being completely human, but it was like they really didn't give a shit.

    Especially when they were in one of their moods, it was concerning.

    And then there was the least worrisome but most annoying trait of theirs–they never seemed to fully complete a sentence. Or finish a conversation. Someone always managed to change the topic.

    And it was especially annoying after the build up John did.

    "Do we really have to go to Target right now?" I complained from the third row of the Sienna.

    Yes, I had been delegated to the furthest place in the soccer mom car. Why we had a soccer mom car was a mystery to me considering they were crazy rich, but who was I to question what cars they had when I barely had a license.

    "What did you say?" Lucifer called from the front seat as he haphazardly scrolled through what songs to play on his phone. Currently, Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas" was blasting throughout the car, much to the annoyance of everyone but Mark who was happily singing along.

    "I said!" I repeated in a much louder voice. "DO WE HAVE TO GO TO TARGET RIGHT NOW?"

    Through the rearview mirror, he looked at me, aghast. Twisting his torso around to face me completely, he cried, "How is that even a question?"

    Turning back around with a disappointed shake of his head, he grumbled, "What is wrong with this new generation?"

    I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms and falling back. Unfortunately, since the furthest back seat was a cramped position, it wasn't much of a fall, just an abrupt smack to my back. Grumbling under my breath about the unfairness of it all, I gave up on trying to get comfortable in my seat and leaned forward to pop my head between John and Luke's headrests.

    "John," I whispered, the red wisps of hair near his ears swaying slightly.

    "Yeah?" he said without lifting his eyes off his Nintendo Switch. From my vantage point, I saw him playing the Legend of Zelda.

    "What did you solve?"

    He hummed teasingly. "Can't tell you that here."

    I frowned. "Why not?"


    "Because what?"


    "John!" I groaned.

    "Hey, hey, hey! No dirty-talking in the car! And especially not around family! And especially not between family," Lucifer scolded, the words making my ears and cheeks warm.

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