8 ⇻ a damned busybody

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author's note: this is where shit hits the fan. not the plot. my writing lol

My Sunday was supposed to be filled with me procrastinating all the work I planned on doing tonight.

Instead, I couldn't help staying in bed and trying to shake off the weirdness of that grocery trip.

The car ride back to the apartment, bringing everything upstairs, and fixing them into our designated cabinets in the kitchen were all mostly done in silence. Both Luke and I were distracted. But I had a feeling he was still thinking over what happened at Walmart, like me. Why it stuck in his head was a mystery though.

LUCIFER: it's been a week

LUCIFER: it's time to visit me

LUCIFER: or i'll visit you

It was the last text that made me jump out of my bed. Since I was still trying to get to know my roommates, I didn't want Lucifer to make things weird. Or meddle frankly.

I was getting tired of his meddling.

I mean, I was still dealing with one of his meddling results. Not that I mind Luke anymore, but still.

All dressed up, I headed downstairs and bumped into Luke, who was still in his customary pajamas–cotton Nike shorts and another muscle tank. His hair was pushed back by the same headband he wore last week, car keys swinging around his pointer finger.

"Morning," he said in a groggy voice.

I smiled at him. "Morning."

As he rubbed sleep out of his eyes, I winced at the morning breath. He saw me wince, breathing into his hand and wincing with me. "Oh, crap. That's strong."

I laughed a bit.

He shook his head. "I don't have the energy to brush my teeth right now. Sorry."

"It's okay. Do you need gum? I think I have some in my bag."

He scrunched his nose up, shaking his head. Pressing his lips together, he narrowed his eyes at me, which wasn't much of a change from his drowsy eyed self a minute ago. He glanced around us, peeking into the kitchen, living room, over his shoulder, and up the stairs, before he took the hand that was swinging the keychain and placed a pointer finger against his smiling lips.

Then, he held out his other hand, shutting it in tight fist. Confused, I narrowed my eyes, wondering what was happening.

And then, when he opened up his palm, I watched as a tiny mint leaf grew out of the center of his hand.

Mouth gaping, I watched as he plucked the leaf off of the disappearing stem and placed it on his tongue.

"Cool trick, huh."

I nodded. "Wow, that's very Mother Nature of you." I couldn't resist reaching up to his hair and touching the band. "Surprised this isn't a flower crown."

He lightly swatted my hand away, rolling my eyes.

"Funny. But it's still the best trick you've seen yet."

He said it so confidently, but I pressed my lips against each other as I crinkled my nose in disagreement.


I raised one shoulder, holding out a pointer finger – "John's brainfreeze"– adding my middle finger – "Matthew's mini sweeping tornados"– and then my ring finger, finishing, "and Mark's dragon breath."

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