School Shopping

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Father leans forward and whispers something in her ear. I'm assuming it's the answer she's looking for because she absolutely lights up.

"Staff it is. Be back in two hours."
We head over to Madam Malkin's for school robes. Draco and I both need new robes. Seeing as mine are from when I was someone else, they're too short.

The robes will take an hour so we decide to go to Flourish and Blott's for our books. I decide to get extra books on etiquette, wizarding politics, and advance books for each subject. Father pays for all my books even though I protest.

Draco practically drags me to Magical Menagerie (if I spelled it wrong, I apologize.).

I head over to the reptile section.

~Stupid humans. Always so scared.~ I stop and turn around to see a very small dragon sitting in a tank.

~Was that you speaking?~
The dragon spuns to look up at me. apparently just as shocked as I am.

~Ooh, a speaker. Yes, I speak. But most cannot understand me.~

~I can. Would you like to come home with me?~

~Anything to get out of here. The air always smells of fear.~

"Regulus!" I turn to find who is calling my name. It's Draco.

"Yes?" I ask as he walks over having spotted me.

"Woah. Do you know what that is?" I shake my head. "It's a Herbridean Black. It's the most agressive breed of dragon there is.  It seems to like you. Were you speraking to it?"

~Stupid human. I'm not an it.~

"He wishes you'd stop calling him an it."

"My apologies."

~Do you have a name yet?~


~I will think of something.~ I reach my arm in and pick up the small dragon. He fits perfectly in my palm.



"Are you reaslly taking the dragon?"

"I don't see why not. He likes me and I want him. Besides he hates it here." Draco just nods.

We walk up the the counter and the clerk is very surprised to see me with the dragon.

"How much for him?"

The clerk opens and closes his mouth several times, eminding me much of the goldfish Dudley had once. "Free. He's free but his supplies will be 10 galleons."

"You mean the fish tank you kept him in?" The clerk just nods. I sigh, "What else is there?"


"No, thank you. I will just be taking the dragon with me today."

~I shall give you the name Leviathan.~

~Thank you. It is a good name.~

I put Leviathan on my shoulder for the rest of our trip, so that he can see.

Draco and I meet up with our parents at Madam Malkin's.

"Father, look." I show Father my dragon.

"Wow, Regulus. He must like you a lot."

"He does," I reply a little smug.

"Regulus, we've picked you a new trunk. Your old one is far too small." Mother informs me.

We eat lunch at a small, quiet restaraunt before going to pick up my staff.

Regulus Abraxas MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now