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Lunch was a quiet affair. Well, for me it was. We didn't leave until I had eaten at least half a sandwich. I do feel a little better afterward.
We apperate to Knocturn Alley. Not much is open right now though.

Lucius leads us to a wand shop nestled deep in the alley. The sign reads: Sarafine's Wands.

We walk in and a chime goes off to alert the owner that customers are here.

"Hello, I am Sarafine. How might I help you today?"

"My son needs a wand and I believe it will need to be custom made."

"Of course. Step on up here, on the stool." I do as I'm told. "Now, I'm going to place some woods out. let out your magic and the wood or woods will choose you."

After a few moments, 7 woods rose into the air. Elder, yew, fir, silverlime (one of the last pieces), vine, ebony, and willow. Sarafine grabbed them and set them aside.

"This is a very unusual combination. If you want to know more, I suggest a few books on wandlore. Now we shall do the same for the cores."

Again, after a few moments several cores rose into the air. Although, this time two of the cores rose and shook before setting back down. They were basilisk venom and dark pheonix feather. The cores that remained raised are thestral tail hair, horned serpent horn, and thunderbird tail feather.

"Well, that was new. I must ask. Have you a creature inheritance?" I nod, unsure of the wandmaker.

"I see. I'm guessing the basilisk and pheonix are part of your inheritance?" I nod again. "Then you'll  be needing some of your own venom and one of your own feathers."

I concentrate hard on being a basilisk. I suddenly find myself about 3 meters taller. I look down and see people trying not to look at me. ~Why is everyone looking away?~

"Regulus, none of us can understand you. But if you're wondering what to do-you have two sets of eyelids and you need to close the inner ones lest you accidentally kill someone. A basilisk's eyes can kill someone with direct contact." I find that Father is right. I close them. I lean down and nudge Father, to say he can look.

"Excellent. Now please bite down on this container and you'll release some of your venom."

As soon as I have done that, I concentrate on being human again. Once I've returned to 'normal', I start the process over to become my pheonix form.

I begin to feel feathers begin to sprout and my arms turn to wings and seconds later- I'm a pheonix.

"May I?" Sarafine asks, pointing at my tail feathers. I nod slowly.

She wallks slowly over and very gently pulls a feather. I try to tell her she can take another but all that comes out is a soft trill. I turn my head and pluck a feather before dropping it onto her head.

I again return to 'normal'. "The second feather is for you. For another wand someday. Thank you."

"Why! Thank you very much. This core is very hard to come by. Even harder, dare I say, basilisk venom. This is quite an honor. Now, this is going to sound terribly rude but I need to know, what is your core strength?"

I here a small hiss come from behind me. "Father?"

"You're correct. That is incredibly rude to ask. What is the nature of such a question?"

"Staff versus wand," is the short reply.

"This must not be getting out, understand?" Father looks furious.

"I completely understand." Sarafine doesn't even seem fazed.

Father leans forward and whispers something in her ear. I'm assuming it's the answer she's looking for because she absolutely lights up.

"Staff it is. Be back in two hours."
I'm still alive! I'm so sorry! Again!

Anyway, I think this is the longest chapter so far.


Regulus Abraxas MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now